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Was there an update?

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Can someone please tell me if there has been any patches or updates to ARMA2, AO or Dayz over the past 48 hours which I should be installing? Been having issues with my game and I'm wondering if I have missed an update.

Many thanks.

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Sarcasm. Funny.I did read it actually but it's pretty vague on what was required of me to get up to date and play. I just started playing this game last week and I assumed I would receive a more meaningful error if my files were not up to date. I was also playing happily away yesterday when all of a sudden I couldn't get on any servers. I know its a "free" mod but the only reason I bought Arma was to play this game and from what I can tell so did most people - including the 3 friends I have convinced to buy it. Hopefully the Change Management people at Arma will eventually get all this wired tight but right now I'm feeling a bit thrown to the wolves.

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Well when you join a server that's running a newer version it flashes up telling you to update, if that's not clear I don't know what is, And I'd you look at the change log it tells you specially what files have been changed and need to be updated, if you search you will also find loads more threads saying the same thing.

If you want to avoid update problems just download all the files and replace everything

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Thanks for the help. That's the information I've been looking for really. So to be sure I have this correct what I need to do is:

Delete Dayz folder and files

Download new files and replace them all.

Download and install the latest AO beta patch.

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You don't have to delete you can simply replace them but it's the same thing basically

To make sure you install the beta correctly I made this guide it says 1.7.1 but it still applies to

Let me know if you have any problems

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Wow that is awesome! Thanks so much LVG.

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