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Logout Timer

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Yep, one second is basically three seconds...

im not in combat my gun icon is green i press esc and have to wait nearly 2 minutes to abort sat here looking at my screen waiting to logout so i can go for dinner, also,if you go back in game off the menu then press esc again the timer resets D:, i hate it its dumbest thing ever to be put in to this mod

Edited by Rocky46

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Here's the point im trying to make:

Let's say i've been playing the game for a good bit now. looted several areas raided camps and so forth. Now, im tired and have had enough and am going to call it a night and go do something else.

Now, let's say a bandit happens to spot me as i am about to log out and decides hes going to try and snipe me from 500meters out, but, he hasn't fired any shots yet

I don't think it's fair that just because he happened to see me, even though he hasn't engaged me yet. i have to sit there and wait JUST to give him that chance to try and kill me.

Now lets say he sees me and immediately starts shooting at me, then, yes i am now being attacked and should not be opted to have the ability to log out. that i like and understand much better. im not trying to start an argument, i just want to get my point across how this timer needs to be adjusted slightly

there shouldnt be a goddamn timer the combat log icon should be enough if he fires a shot near you im just idling around looking for car parts in barns and then i go for dinner and cant exit wtf!! REMOVE THIS ROCKET NOW!!! (sorry :P)

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I agree OP - the "30 second" countdown, more like a minute, is too long.

I had looted Cherno, escaped a few Zeds and went up to the nearby treeline where i wanted to finish for the night. The wife was banging on about making her a coffee and i had to sit and wait for a minute while this infuriating countdown began.

I am all for preventing combat logging but that's what i thought the combat icon was for. If you are being chased or shot at then you cannot log out - a good move.

But having to wait whilst prone in the forest? 15 real seconds would be OK. Waiting for that timer was like slipping into a coma.

Nah - me no likey!

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this is what happens when butthurt bandits complain over the top about the most trivial of situations, you get an over the top counter mechanic that takes the piss! the in combat icon status is enough.

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if this is the reason I have been recently banned from a server It will be the last straw for this game with me. Games do not tell me when its ok to leave a game, I make that decision. Do what most games do and leave the character in game for 1-2 minutes after logging out....I will take my chances but giving me a timeout counter is not something I will accept, when I am done I am done.

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