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Birth of a Bandit Day 2 & 3. Dayz fan fiction. Warning its long.

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Day 2 & 3: initiated

Day 3, 18:00hrs Bearing 155-065

The steady whump, whump, whump of the rotor blades above me signalled the arrival of my ride.

It was remarkable how quickly I had adjusted to my new situation. It seemed like a life time ago that my only concern was fending off starvation and thirst. I recalled the many nights spent alone, wondering around abandoned towns with some kind of nostalgic fondness.

Now, as I shielded my eyes from the billowing clouds of dust kicked up beneath the blades of the beast above, I turned my thoughts to my newest concern. Reports had come in that a military scouting party had come under fire in the hills to the north. They had been in some kind of aircraft but it was unclear of their fate. More to the concern of my superiors was the fate of their arsenal than the men it belonged to.

I’m told that this would be a simple recon mission but I know better. The men around me had created quite an impression on the still human inhabitants of this land. Now we had a price on our heads and there were bounty hunters out to collect.

As the helicopter settled into a low hover a mere 3 feet above the ground, our leader jumped out, boots thudding to the ground. His stare still gave me goose bumps and I couldn’t relax in his presence. The others called him King, I still wasn’t sure if this was a title or name but they would tell you he was fitting of both. Nods were exchanged and I knew to take my position on the mounted heavy machine gun at the door of the helicopter.

King jumped into the navigator seat of the chopper and we lifted off into the early evening sky. The sun sinking below the horizon created a deep red shadow across the land. Most of our missions took place at night, we were living in a dangerous land and the darkness was a constant ally to us. Of course the key to turning this into an advantage was the impressive number of resources available to this band of mercenaries.

Long before I had joined this outfit they had stockpiled military grade munitions in numerous spots around the land. Night vision goggles were common place amongst the others and I had been issued with my pair the night before when I was assigned door gunner duty…

Previous day, 19:00hrs, Chernarus.

It had all happened so fast, I’d had a long day of honing my axe skills on unsuspecting innocents. It was something I simultaneously loathed and enjoyed. I’d called for a helicopter evac after a close shave with an unseen sniper and we were flying along the coast shortly after.

I was sitting in one of the seats at the rear of the helicopter when reports of contact ahead drifted back from the cockpit. The pilot swung the bird into a steady descent angling the door gunner toward a building below. We had reached around 50 feet when King commanded the gunner to open fire. The first shots from the heavy machine gun started raining down on the roof of the building. I saw a shape scrambling for cover but he was too slow and the rounds too fast. The bullets tore through his body and I watched as what was left fell from the building to the street, the zombies below grateful for the meal.

We were just setting off in search of other targets when a sniper round impacted nearby. I called out to my comrades asking if anyone was hit. Response came back from the pilot that it was a lousy shot and we’re all fine. No sooner had the words left his mouth than the gunner on the door slumped forward and promptly fell out into the night. I desperately scanned the skyline for a parachute but none opened.

I had barely registered what had happened before I was pushed into his position. The seat still warm and the blood covering the handle of the gun I was asked to wield. I told them I couldn’t see a damn thing, Night vision goggles were thrust into my hands. I didn’t tell them that it was the tears that blurred my vision.

Present Day 18:20hrs: Location Unknown

A jolt of turbulence brought me back to the present. We had been scouring the landscape searching for any sign of the downed military party for around 20 minutes without any joy. The towns below were quiet with only the occasional glimpse of an undead wondering away from the heard. I found it peculiar that they chose to often roam in groups rather than alone, it made them seem almost conscious and in charge of their own thoughts. Although I sensed the behaviour was far more primal than this.

As I rested on the sturdy frame of the heavy machine gun watching the landscape flash by, dusk slowly becoming night, I thought I caught a glimpse of light on the horizon. For a brief second it was there and then it was gone. Regardless I knew better than not to report it so I called it in to the pilot. Immediately I heard the rotors groan as the pilot asked our bird to change course.

As the helicopter banked around and we approached the area, my report was justified by the sight of a blazing military helicopter sitting on its underbelly. The tail was snapped in half and the rotors lay in pieces around its carcass.

This must be the scouting party we were searching for.

The surrounding area was deserted and a scan of the hills turned up nothing unusual. Apart from the blazing wreckage below us, all seemed silent. It gave me the creeps.

The chopper started its steady descent and eventually came to a rest alongside the wreckage. King gave the command to disembark and although it seemed peaceful outside I still grabbed an assault rifle from the hold. It was an old and battered relic from days gone past, but it could still do plenty of damage when up close and felt comfortable in my grip.

I was the first out. I stumbled slightly as I attempted to adjust my footing on the uneven terrain before proceeding to try and check our perimeter. However, it was futile. The light from the inferno that engulfed most of the helicopter stopped me from seeing beyond. It was pointless to wear the night vision, the equipment was exceptional at amplifying low light to allow you to see, albeit in a permanent green glow, but was absolutely useless when faced with a bright light. Flares were often thrown out to take advantage of this fact and disrupt any snipers wearing the goggles.

I was just going to give the nod for the rest of the guys to join me when I heard a low groan coming from the hold of the downed helicopter. No, it couldn’t be. Nothing could survive a crash of this magnitude. But there it was again, this time longer and more desperate.

I couldn’t ignore it, I sprinted around toward the side door of the chopper, whoever was in there had heard me, they started banging on the door. “I’m here, it’s ok” I yelled, the banging grew more frantic at the sound of my voice. Thankfully the flames stayed around the main rotor of the craft, it seemed some fuel leak kept the blaze atop the beast and only the occasional drop brought a trickle of flames down around me.

I grasped at the twisted metal, trying to find a finger hold but the door was closed tight. I eventually found a crack and tried to pull, but it was stuck. I called the guys for help but they were already looting the numerous guns which had spilled from the hold.

The banging on the other side became more frantic, it sounded like there may be others trapped in there. No one answered my calls but it was evident they were struggling.

The heat within the hold must have been climbing, the fire on the top showed no signs of slowing and the intensity only increased…..

To be continued....

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Very good and suspenseful! Will the bandits turn to heroes? Will he become one rogue bandit? Will he turn on the others? I can't wait for the next. In fact, could you try to send me a pm when the next one comes out?

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