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DayZ RP - The Injected - Druglords of Chernarus - Recruiting

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Let the other groups combat each other in moral and political conflict. Civilization is gone. The governments, the churches, and the armies fell with it. However, a few things remained: supply, demand, and truckloads of opiates.


1. Do not be hostile unless provoked. We are not thieves

or murderers, we are businessmen. Be respectful and civilized.

2. Do not betray The Client or the Injected.

3. Abide all server rules.

4. Stay in character.

Those that break our rules will have their belongings destroyed and they will be reverted to the trial status. If they break another rule during this trial, or go too long without appeasing the incident, their status, or the Injected image they've likely tainted, they will be executed and removed from all records.


-When speaking in Direct Chat, always be in character.

-Consider TeamSpeak a radio channel among associates, use it to contact associates who are not with you.

-Use TeamSpeak for out-of-character concerns.

-Say "Break" to clear comms for important messages.

-We will practice comms discipline in combat situations.

Associates and Clients

The Employer

The Veteran (anfauglir)

The Bookkeeper (Murray)

Thorgis, "The Armorer"

Hawky Alistratov, "The Prophet"



El Cid [T]

Seiler [T]

Rel [T]

The Outpost Rangers

Chernarussian Liberation Front

Blue Sector

Injected Operational Territory


The area highlighted above is off limits to all. Any trespassers will be punished accordingly. We allow travelers access to the highways, and clients will have certain privileges.

In Development:

1. Episodic series about the roleplaying background of the Employer, the Injected, and the Client.

2. Signature template customized for each member.

Edited by tatortodd22

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Server Info: DayZRP.com

The server this clan calls home is a high traffic, whitelist roleplaying server. It has a no KoS rule to encourage player interaction. (then you can kill people if it's in character) Within the next few weeks they are overhauling the server with a custom mod, which includes realistic loot tables, many more vehicles and skins, ACRE mod, other clan features, and more. It is a well admin-ed community that accepts all skill levels, so long as you roleplay well. The whitelisting application requires a backstory, and hackers are virtually unseen. It's the best community I've ever found in DayZ.

Edited by tatortodd22

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-In-game name: BoredThor

-Age (17+): 18

-How's your English? Fluent

-Timezone? EST (GMT -5)

-RP Backstory: I have been surviving solo after my friend was taken by the infection and now I wish to find other survivors.

-Day-Z experience: Lots of solo play and a good amount of playing with small groups. Over half a year of having ARMA 2.

-Tactical experience: I have played 100 hours of ARMA 2 and over 100 hours of DayZ. Not much hardcore tactical experience though.

-How often do you play: Fairly often when I have time but I may not always be on during weekdays.

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We've greatly increased in numbers and influence since our last update. We are at war with the prominent bandit clan on the server as they raid our operation frequently. All role players are invited to the server and to apply to the Injected.

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