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I need NVG's will trade m14 aim+m4a1 cco sd+dmr+2 camping tents+10 sd stanags [Completed]

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you really want to pay 20 dollars for an items that can be lost in seconds?

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i will see if i still got nightvisions. But i dont relly want to have money via paypal. ^^ had a post open searching for tents an silenced weapons. Gimme 10 Minute sill check if they are still there. PM me fot TS or Skype contact details-

Edited by Paddy0610

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i would never pay money for any game item via ingame trading, cos it would just be my luck to get sniped moments later! surely the whole fun and appeal of the game is to find these treasured and most sought after items? but i guess its "each to their own"

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I think you should probably cut the paypal.

10) Transactions:

You may not under any circumstances sell or buy in game items for real world money, the same goes for selling access to an Official or Non official Server, If you choose to do so on a Privately hosted server not connected to Hive you must advertise that else where.

Edited by burritoman259

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its fine, I did it for a m14 aim and a cco SD, no paypal. Sorry for the confusion, thank you very much for all your help! I hope to see you all on this forum!

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its fine, I did it for a m14 aim and a cco SD, no paypal. Sorry for the confusion, thank you very much for all your help! I hope to see you all on this forum!

I would not have admitted it either ;)

With all those duped equipment from "back in the dayZ" a lot of people could get rich, now.

Edited by foamy

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