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Humanity Improvements?

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not sure how to really start this topic off, but as the title says;

Humanity needs improvements. (obviously) on the main current server that I play, my humanity is at -55,000

and increasing. mainly my fault, the other one-third is not. whenever I play, its a gamble for other players. I may

be a bandit, or I may roll hero and aid who ever, but way too often is my self-defense considered a murder

only adding to my painfully annoying humanity and shoot-on-sight skin. it doesn't seem fair that I can completely

heal someone back to full health, only for the small positive humanity boost I earned. just to be cancelled out by the triple negative

increase because someone shot at me, missed and I end up taking them out to save my own skin and gain a murder.

however, I've been trying for the past few days to decrease my negative humanity to at least have a chance to return to my survivor skin,

and I've come to the conclusion that it is down right impossible without abusing blood bags and a friend. if you're already a bandit,

and over -10,000 humanity+, you're not getting your survivor skin back. the only possible solution that I can think of is being completely

unarmed/flashlight, running around with my entire backpack and inventory full of medical supplies and give transfusions, but even then I would

end up dying quickly due to the KOS bandits who run around playing like it's call of duty. so I would be reduced to dying, running to the nearest hospital,

blood transfuse as many people as I can, even though I would get shot on sight because of my bandit skin anyway, and rinse and repeat. is that really how a game

(mod for you picky candy-asses) should be played in order to restore humanity? there has to be a better way.

I'm not saying there should be an easy way out, or I should just be able to gain 30K+ humanity back easily ~ what I am saying,

is that there needs to be a system that identifies a murder correctly rather then mistaking it under strict circumstances so

not only myself, but others have a chance to actually redeem themselves as a decent person, instead of adding insult to injury in defence

only making it harder for everyone to get rid of that smelly diaper on their head who actually try to have a good-friendly morality.

I'm totally open to suggestions and criticism or improvements on this idea, so post away! I'd love to hear what other people think.

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I think they should change it so it's not only: "You have to get hit for it to count as a self-defense if you shoot back". But rather change it so if someone have you in their Line of Sight and if their bullet hits you or up to maybe 10-20m away, you can shoot back without it counting as a murder but rather self-defense. Because they are shooting at you with the intention to kill, but they just missed.

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Solution for you humanity - when you respaw you gain 2500 humanity, so you only have to die like 20 times and you are good :P

I really hope humanity is removed in SA

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Solution for you humanity - when you respaw you gain 2500 humanity, so you only have to die like 20 times and you are good :P

I really hope humanity is removed in SA

- Oh, the humanity! *lays down on beach in fetal position and let's the good lord end it all....20 times*

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I think they should give humanity for any kind of help, like killing zombies, bandaging people or trading successfully. And the humanity downgrade is good as it is.

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You can kill other bandits for +500 humanity each. This way you can use Makarov to increase your humanity instead of blood bags.

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