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Killed on the loading screen?

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I had this happen to a geared character I had, I ran back and I think what happened was my body collided with a tree or something when logging in.

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As you log in there is a period of time (all depending on server speed and your own PC's loading time) where your character is standing and waiting for you to take control of it.

It's how ArmA 2 works and cannot be fixed.

However, it can be changed so that when you load up you stay in debug land and use an action to teleport to the combat area. Obviously you won't be able (or allowed?) to shoot at people in debug land as per usual.

And when you teleport there will still be a lot of loading time and FPS drops etc. It's just how the game works.

Might be solved in SA to some extent but in the end, you still have to load in and your character be created and geared before you can play.

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