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How do I play from a different account after being banned?

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I came home from work a few weeks ago to find that when I try to log onto a DayZ server, it says Battle Eye: Globally banned and then a stream of letters and numbers. I figured this was some kind of bug or something, so I just stopped playing DayZ for some time. I tried to get on a few days ago and got the same problem. I looked this up and found the majority of people would say you have to get Arma2 OA on a new steam account, so I did so and then followed this video

on instructions for playing DayZ with multiple characters on one computer. I followed all of these steps, but when I tried to play DayZ now with the new account, it said Battle Eye Globally banned and then a different stream of letters and numbers. I'm not sure what I should do now, hopefully someone can explain to me how I can play DayZ again. Also, is this banned thing some kind of bug or glitch or something?

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