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Vilayer.com - FULL Source File, FTP and Database Access | Fully Customizable | BEC | 16 Maps | Epoch

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Vilayer Code 6.4 has been released.

This update includes several changes and additions.

  • Chernarus updated for
  • Added support for DayZ+
  • Added support for Isla Duala
  • MySQL performance improvements
  • MySQL replication added throughout entire network
  • New custom loadout tool (coming later today)

We have also begun updating all Vilayer created DayZ maps to support

These maps include:

  • Fallujah
  • Lingor
  • Panthera
  • Takistan
  • Utes
  • Zargabad

As always, before installing the update please uninstall your current map to avoid conflicts.

If any bugs are noticed, please submit a support ticket and we will get it sorted out straight away.

Edited by Matt - Vilayer
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Hey Walkerdown,

did you just enter you UID into the gcam_config_hpp file?



I've had a chance to "play" more with my new server. And so far i'm having great fun, honestly i never tried DayzCC before (Vilayer partnered with em to provide a more advanced GUI), and i see i've missed alot. I wouldn't reccomend to mess with the setup files if you don't know what u're doing, but if you're looking for something advanced and you don't wanna spend the money for a fully dedicate server, then this is the way to go. I've opened the Taviana server by an hour or so..and it's running smooth (i'm having only few users by now.. they are only 6 in the moment i'm typing), i'm messing around with gcam (spectator mode), i can say this is the definitive tool against the cheaters ... whenever i see it can be potentially abused by some kid. The map tool is similar to the one provided by dayz.st, it's better under certain aspects (you can edit stuff on the fly), but it misses the realtime trace-lines (user movements), whenever i found it a little buggy.

Pros: full control of your server, good bandwidth, fast support (we'll see in some weeks), an impressive set of admin tools;

Cons: related to the above, you have full control of your server, it means that if you dunno where to place your hands you may "destroy" your server in seconds.

I'll tell you more when i've collected more users aboard.

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I have been meaning to write a little review about dayz hosting but havent really had the time or the forum to do it so this seems like as good a time as any.

I know nothing about Vilayer as a company. We looked at them before we went with another company. At the time, as i remember, they weren't offering private hives or much custom control for the admins.

Instead we went with hfb and for two months struggled with their slow support, server lag, and as I recall their databases got hacked.

From there we tried Survival Servers and that was an even worse experience. We saw consistent server desync and lag issues. They were painfully slow at updating the install packages, their support happened primarily overnight and what support we got was usually bad, wrong or half @ssed. They moved our game server twice due to stability issues with the servers they rent. Their control panel interface would just stop working and leave with no way to restart your server. They said it was a known issue but never made it a priority to fix it. On more than one occasion we ended up figuring out problems, for them, that they couldn't. For example we were seeing what looked like crashes or random restarts. We complained over and over again but were strictly told that no one else was having the issue and it must be in our settings. Finally one day we realized that their server clocks were not set correctly. Our control panel shows the server times and were off by some strange amount (like 4 hours and 37 minutes). Our scheduled restarts were happening at totally unpredicatable times. It took several more emails (each having to wait 24 hours for them to respond) before we "proved" to them that it was a server issue only they could fix. By the time they finally admitted the issue we had moved on to DayZ.st

** We left the $15 credit behind that they gave us for all the "problems" we had. Our sanity was worth more than that.

Dayz.st was extremely solid, easy to work with but very limited at the time...even for a private hive. If you want to monkey with your server and setup and want full access to all the bells and whistles dayz.st is not where you wanted to be. But, if you want your server to work and want a good selection of tools you can't beat it for the price.

As for vilayer ...their package looks like most of the others and of course the proof is in the putting as they say (or is it pudding?) My one observations would be price. They seem very proud of their service. Not even competitive.

Dayz.st -50 slots, private hive $30 /month

HFB -50 slot, private hive $35 /month

Survival server -50 slot, private hive $25 /month

VILAYER - $54.40/month :( :o

Another option you could look at is NFO servers. Get yourself an unmanaged single core VDS and build your own using bliss. Unlimited slots, free ip but no support. $30 /per month. We use their VDS system for our communities other games and its amazing. Remember you'll need an unmanaged VDS if you want to run DayZ. Good luck and hope this helps.

Edited by axRhino

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Hey Walkerdown,

did you just enter you UID into the gcam_config_hpp file?



There's no need, the one installed by default uses the admin identification (you identify yourself as an admin), in the init.sqf, and it let you use the tools, there's no need to specify the UID into the config;

Btw i've modified it, since with Arma2 you can have only one admin (logged as admin), i've changed it to verify the UID upon login (again, no need to add the UID's in the config file), so now i can have multiple admins using gcam together.

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Dayz.st -50 slots, private hive $30 /month

HFB -50 slot, private hive $35 /month

Survival server -50 slot, private hive $25 /month

VILAYER - $54.40/month :( :o

With this option, apart the normal admin tools (ie: dayzcc via web) you have "unlimited" (sort of) slots and complete access to your virtual server via VNC/Remote Desktop.. i wouldn't suggest it for a fresh starter, but for an advanced admin there's an huge difference.

Another option you could look at is NFO servers. Get yourself an unmanaged single core VDS and build your own using bliss. Unlimited slots, free ip but no support. $30 /per month.

That price is for HT CPU, not physical cores, Vilayer gives you a physical core for its price.

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In my opinion a VDS system is going to give you plenty of horsepower because at any given time 99% of the servers you might be sharing cores with will be empty and basically idling with no traffic.

I won't argue the merits of one setup vs another..that is better left to a professional but I will say this.... There are hundreds if not thousands of empty dayz servers being paid for each month. If we could get 10 of those groups/ communities/ peoples to cancel their accounts, get together and fund one kick @ss server, play together, not hack, and have fun we'd all save money and have a great place to play.

So I'm pro on getting more people together and paying for less dumb empty servers.

On the other hand these server companies are all about renting servers that are going to be empty. They require little work or support. They dont draw on much of a servers resources and if they rent enough of them its just extra money in hand each month for almost no work. Even if the cancellation rate is high.

Edited by axRhino

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I have been meaning to write a little review about dayz hosting but havent really had the time or the forum to do it so this seems like as good a time as any.

I know nothing about Vilayer as a company. We looked at them before we went with another company. At the time, as i remember, they weren't offering private hives or much custom control for the admins.

Instead we went with hfb and for two months struggled with their slow support, server lag, and as I recall their databases got hacked.

From there we tried Survival Servers and that was an even worse experience. We saw consistent server desync and lag issues. They were painfully slow at updating the install packages, their support happened primarily overnight and what support we got was usually bad, wrong or half @ssed. They moved our game server twice due to stability issues with the servers they rent. Their control panel interface would just stop working and leave with no way to restart your server. They said it was a known issue but never made it a priority to fix it. On more than one occasion we ended up figuring out problems, for them, that they couldn't. For example we were seeing what looked like crashes or random restarts. We complained over and over again but were strictly told that no one else was having the issue and it must be in our settings. Finally one day we realized that their server clocks were not set correctly. Our control panel shows the server times and were off by some strange amount (like 4 hours and 37 minutes). Our scheduled restarts were happening at totally unpredicatable times. It took several more emails (each having to wait 24 hours for them to respond) before we "proved" to them that it was a server issue only they could fix. By the time they finally admitted the issue we had moved on to DayZ.st

** We left the $15 credit behind that they gave us for all the "problems" we had. Our sanity was worth more than that.

Dayz.st was extremely solid, easy to work with but very limited at the time...even for a private hive. If you want to monkey with your server and setup and want full access to all the bells and whistles dayz.st is not where you wanted to be. But, if you want your server to work and want a good selection of tools you can't beat it for the price.

As for vilayer ...their package looks like most of the others and of course the proof is in the putting as they say (or is it pudding?) My one observations would be price. They seem very proud of their service. Not even competitive.

Dayz.st -50 slots, private hive $30 /month

HFB -50 slot, private hive $35 /month

Survival server -50 slot, private hive $25 /month

VILAYER - $54.40/month :( :o

Another option you could look at is NFO servers. Get yourself an unmanaged single core VDS and build your own using bliss. Unlimited slots, free ip but no support. $30 /per month. We use their VDS system for our communities other games and its amazing. Remember you'll need an unmanaged VDS if you want to run DayZ. Good luck and hope this helps.

Just an fyi, hfb dayz.st and vilayer all got hacked at like the same time. Hfb is good for those who simply want the keys to server with pretty much all access and are not as you called a monkey lol. dayz.st is more meant for the noobs at hosting who want big buttons and very very very very simple interface. I should also mention that even thou I no longer have managed server with hfb as i now have a dedi with them "still get there managed mass emails" they are apparently running all there 50 slot servers on some of those ivy bridge cpus apparently according to a buddy of mine they are the best cpu you can get for a dayz server unlike the e5's dayz.st runs.

I can say there support is a bit slower then perfect but its still very reasonable in my opinion. When I had my managed server I had about 6 hour response times.

And yeah survivalservers was a joke, loved having a 1day + response time on a ticket where I asked for my database info as I deleted my email by accident XD

Vilayer was decent to me, just not that happy about the emails I get from them where they brag about being the first for something, or a custom something and its not really true. Other then that no real issues with them.

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Just an fyi, hfb dayz.st and vilayer all got hacked at like the same time. Hfb is good for those who simply want the keys to server with pretty much all access and are not as you called a monkey lol. dayz.st is more meant for the noobs at hosting who want big buttons and very very very very simple interface.

The key thing to know here is that the dayz mod is kind of a rolling cluster f!!k of releases...the arma beta, dayz mod, bliss hive releases, map releases etc. At any given time they can all spring a leak and not play nicely with each other. The server companies have a horrible time trying to keep on top of all that.

The best thing about dayz.st is that they seem to keep things working. Its not a totally open system for you mess with with and customize but it reliable and kinda idiot proof.

Edited by axRhino

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In my opinion a VDS system is going to give you plenty of horsepower because at any given time 99% of the servers you might be sharing cores with will be empty and basically idling with no traffic.

False assumption, sorry, you can't sell a promise or a guess. If you're going to rent a server you MUST be sure that the game server runs on it, no matter what. A single physical core on a 3ghz CPU is barely enough to run an average dayz server. It means that you should stay AWAY from any shared solution that doesn't give to your virtual server AT LEAST a single physical core.

There's no magic: let's price a single core $60.. now share each core with two users.. and guess what? I'm gonna price it $30 ! .. here's your magic.

It's a matter of what are your expectations, you may pay $1/mo for a server, if you got pleased by shit.

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There's no need, the one installed by default uses the admin identification (you identify yourself as an admin), in the init.sqf, and it let you use the tools, there's no need to specify the UID into the config;

Btw i've modified it, since with Arma2 you can have only one admin (logged as admin), i've changed it to verify the UID upon login (again, no need to add the UID's in the config file), so now i can have multiple admins using gcam together.

Thanks for the reply, could you post up what you put in the init.sqf please.


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Thanks for the reply, could you post up what you put in the init.sqf please.


Sure, remove any reference to gcam you may already have in the init, scroll down to the player monitor "if" (right after "[] execVM "actions.sqf";") and paste this:

#include "gcam\gcam_config.hpp"
#include "gcam\gcam_functions.sqf"
#ifdef GCAM
waitUntil {(!isNull Player) and (alive Player) and (player == player)};
waituntil {!(IsNull (findDisplay 46))};
if ((getPlayerUID vehicle player) in ["UID1","UID2"]) then { (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["keyDown", "_this call fnc_keyDown"]; };

Change the UID1 and UID2 with the admins UID's... you may leave only 1 or add more than 2 (it's an array). Good luck!

Edited by WalkerDown

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Thanks, got it working, just need to learn how to use it now.


Edited by skygaz

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False assumption, sorry, you can't sell a promise or a guess.

I'm not selling anything..thats just my opinion. Our Arma2 server has run fine on a 4 core VDS system while 2 installs of CoD2 and a BF3 server are running at the same time. We dont see lag. We dont see desync, memory issues or bandwidth issues. And that is not an opinion thats fact...as I am the one that sets up, runs, maintains and monitors those installs. The cost to us is $85 a month. Villayer is offering to let you host one game for $54/ month. I'll stick with our VDS.

An unmanaged virtual server is similar to a dedicated server in that you are givenfull control of a machine on our network. However, a virtual server does not run on the bare hardware -- instead, a special operating system loader called a "Hypervisor" is run when the real machine boots, and it loads and runs multiple simulated machines (virtual servers). Each virtual server has in its own dedicated memory and hard drive space, and we also dedicate each virtual machine to its own hyperthreaded CPU core(s). Most other providers force servers to share a single pool of CPU resources; by giving each server its own HT core(s), we ensure a much more predictable level of performance, and predictable performance is absolutely essential to running high-performance game servers and reliable, responsive web applications.

Edited by axRhino

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This is DayZ forum, nor arma2 or BF3.. i dunno what you're running, i'm telling you what's the difference between a ht core and a physical core, and why it's reccomended to run a DayZ instance on a physical core alone.. unless you're interested to have just an empty server.

If you really wanna save money and have performance, you should look to a dedicate server, for $94 you can have a xeon e3 with SSD and you can run 4 dayz servers on it, and you'll be sure they runs fine. It's $23.5 per server (less than any other hoster.. and you'll have the full control of it). When purchasing from a dayz host company you pay the setup of those dedicate tools and maintenance, so you save the hassle of setting up a server yourself .. that's the "service" they are selling to you (and how they have a profit). They are not selling you a server, they pay for a server almost the same money as you would pay for it purchasing it yourself... they are selling to you a "package".

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I've found my server dying 2 times in 3 days for no apparent reason (probably because of low ram?). Btw it happened during the night so i'm not sure about the reason, i've only found the arma2ao process crashed. For now i've installed a process monitor to circumvent the issue: it monitors the arma2 process, and if it finds the server died, it executes the launch bat again. It didn't crashed again so far so i weren't able to check if it's working.. i've just checked killing the server manually and it restart the server smoothly.

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Do you have any information about loading onto your Virtual Dedicated Game Servers please. The server came pre-installed with but I am unable to update it.


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Isn't just a single pbo to update? What panel do you have with your server? It's pretty easy to update Wasteland.. i updated mine just today (not on Vilayer tho...).

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We run 2 Vilayer servers and I'd have to say I'm very satisfied thus far with the service we've received. The support tickets are always dealt with promptly and their prices are very reasonable.

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I have the DayZ Control Center.

Don't you have the control panel with the file manager where you can upload your own mission pbo? If not, then you've to wait them for the update (i have the virtual server with em, and full server access, so i dunno how it works exactly the "slot" server.. whenever i remember there was a server control panel (not just the dayzCC panel) when i had a dayz server in the past.

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My control panel doesn't (as far as I can see) have the ability to upload mission PBO's. I do however have full access using a java remote desktop. I tried updating the PBO (amongst other files) but this didn't seem to work.

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My control panel doesn't (as far as I can see) have the ability to upload mission PBO's. I do however have full access using a java remote desktop. I tried updating the PBO (amongst other files) but this didn't seem to work.

You've to update (overwrite) only the /MPMissions/Wasteland_United_Chernarus.Chernarus.pbo file and it should runs fine. Before update the file, be sure if it's using the unpacked version instead (if you have a folder named like the mission: "Wasteland_United_Chernarus.Chernarus"; in that case rename it.. and leave only the new pbo file).

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Sorry for being a bit dumb here! In the MPMissions directory I have a dayz_1.chernarus folder containing the following:

gcam subdirectory

description.ext file

init.sqf file

mission.sqm file

There are also other dayz_1.xxxxx (xxxx = different map name) folders in the MPMissions. As far as files go, there are dayz_2.xxxxx.pbo files (the numbers I think represent instances if running multiple maps).

Should I rename the dayz_1.chernarus folder and download the new .PBO file, rename it to dayz_1.chernarus and place it into the MPMission folder?

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Sorry for being a bit dumb here! In the MPMissions directory I have a dayz_1.chernarus folder containing the following:

gcam subdirectory

description.ext file

init.sqf file

mission.sqm file

There are also other dayz_1.xxxxx (xxxx = different map name) folders in the MPMissions. As far as files go, there are dayz_2.xxxxx.pbo files (the numbers I think represent instances if running multiple maps).

Should I rename the dayz_1.chernarus folder and download the new .PBO file, rename it to dayz_1.chernarus and place it into the MPMission folder?

You are not dumb.. it's the confusion because of my reply (as i didn't quoted the message) .. if you look at my first replying i were replying to the guy that were trying to update WASTELAND.. but my reply followed yours (coz you sent the message before me) and at the following messages i tought you were the same guy... so updating Wasteland is just a matter of a single file, updating DayZ is much more complex, and i won't suggest you to do it manually since you're using DayzCC to manage it.

DayZCC devs are working at the new version that supports the new DayZ, so until they'll release it (it's in beta) Vilayer cannot upgrade it.

I've upgraded mine manually tho.. you have to update all the server files and the mission file as well, but again i won't suggest you to do it manually if you don't know very well what you're doing.

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