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Weather affecting zombies

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This can go two ways depending on the lore behind DayZ.

1. Zed are the traditional zombies in which they are reanimated dead people, no blood circulation, rotting flesh.

2. They are the pissed off 28 days later zombie, living people, they just have the urge to bite your face off.


Frozen climate: (Bellow 32deg F, mountains, tundra, Namalsk):

Type 1 - zed in this climate would freeze in place or be extremely slow. their body's would not decompose as fast or at all though. Almost no diseases.

Type 2 - zed would live in this climate but have to eat in order to stay alive but would probably freeze to death if not inside or with warm clothes. They would probably move slower also. Almost no disease.

Temperate climate(chenarus):

Type 1 - would be rotten and have a various levels of mobility throughout the zed populace depending on decomposition. Above moderate diseases. High populace

Type 2 - would be fine, just need to eat. Moderate disease. High populace

Tropical climate:

Type 1 - extremely rotten due to humidity, many crawlers and hoppers, low health and mobility due to much of their body parts being gone. Disease infested.

Type 2: disease infested. Low populace due to disease and death.

This would give dynamic gameplay throughout maps and depending on your gear you may choose one area to move to than another. This would be a nature difficultly setting in the game. You need good clothes but no gear to explore winter environments but not much worry about zombies. Tropical climates might have high yielding loot but disease infested but easy to kill zombies. Temperate would be for highly geared players due to large amounts of zed.


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first off zombies are type 2 - alive

temp will affect players but as far as i know there are no plains to have it affect zombies

there not really in the game/ player view long enough for you to see most of these effects

having zombies drop down dead from cold/disease is a bit pointless game wise

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They wouldnt die from these in game while your playing, you would only see a difference in;

Disease % chance


Movements speed

Population(how many zombies spawn, and the amount of already dead bodies)

You would see a lot of frozen dead zed in the mountains and depending on the degree of intelligence they would spawn mostly inside buildings unless they have winter clothes, movement would be slown, they would also not carry much disease and have high health due to it.

In temperate locations you'd See a lot of zed, with mild disease %, medium high health(from disease) and move very fast.

In tropical conditions youd see high % disease, low population because of the disease, lots of dead body's with disease and low zed health because of disease.

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lol, was totally mislead by the the title, nevermind, sorry

zombie game without zombies, or with dying zombies, IMO kind of makes no sense to me (these difference would have to be really minor)

Edited by Xul

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lol, was totally mislead by the the title, nevermind, sorry

zombie game without zombies, or with dying zombies, IMO kind of makes no sense to me (these difference would have to be really minor)

There was something rocket mentioned about a zombie life cycle or something similar, which I have no idea what he means by that.

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There was something rocket mentioned about a zombie life cycle or something similar, which I have no idea what he means by that.

fresh respawn/ fresh in your range = slow, low aggro

"old" Z/ longer time in your range = fast, more aggro

something like this?

They don´t die.

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