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Hey everyone :)

I think about installing the rmod on my server. My question is now if I install it, will everyone who wants to join the server need the mod too?

Because I already played on a few Server where was Loot that isnt in the "normal" dayz mod. Like a g36 on Chernarus..Yes as loot not hacked in I guess.

And I dont have the rmod installed.

Hope you can help me :)


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Hey everyone :)

I think about installing the rmod on my server. My question is now if I install it, will everyone who wants to join the server need the mod too?

Because I already played on a few Server where was Loot that isnt in the "normal" dayz mod. Like a g36 on Chernarus..Yes as loot not hacked in I guess.

And I dont have the rmod installed.

Hope you can help me :)


Private hives can setup custom loottable, so different guns spawn in

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Yeah but what about my Question :P

I want to know if the server runs the rmod the players need it too

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yes they would, its an easy download from tungle takes two seconds to install.

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Yeah but what about my Question :P

I want to know if the server runs the rmod the players need it too

Yes, players wanting to join need Rmod aswell.

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If it's a 'Managed Host', such as DayZ.ST / HFBServers, they have a simple drop-down Menu to enable rMod, to-wit you simply restart the Server and BAM! AH-64D's for dayz. If it's a dedicated Machine / Host, requiring you to manually set-up, It's really quite simple. Head over to tunngle.net and locate the rMod Thread. They have both the files needed to set-up Server-Side & Client-Side, along with explanation's to do both. Be warned; It can be very addicting ;-)

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