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ShannonZKiller chat with Rocket

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Hey guys,

Who saw the chat that Shannon had with Rocket from the other night. Totally unsuspected and turned being a really interesting chat with the main man!

It is pretty long, but go check it out when you have some time! It's got me very excited for the game!


Once you've seen the vids, what features are you most looking forward to?

Que discussion!....

Edited by squirrel

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This already has a thread you dringus. However, I'm more than happy to engage in a discussion about queues!

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This already has a thread you dringus. However, I'm more than happy to engage in a discussion about queues!

Lolz.... soz admin please delete my thread.

I did search for such a topic, but couldn't find one. Any chance of a link?

Edited by squirrel

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Go on then sparky, give us another one et si vous voulez commencer la discussion en français, du moins le faire correctement.

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