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[Stand-Alone] Vehicle attachments

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So I am sure this topic has been brought up before, but just want to see what the communities opinion is on having vehicle attachments. Who would like to see vehicle attachments implemented in-game? Much like weapon attachments this would allow a player with the right parts to customize and improve there vehicle. Now in my DayZ squad I am the driver and I have driven every vehicle ingame, it's obvious that adding things like guns would turn the game into a battle of the most OP vehicle, so instead I made a list of improvements that wouldn't make the vehicle a player killing machine and instead would just improve small things such as vehicle front damage, off-road capability/speed, tire strength, and a bit more.

Some Ideas:

Improvised pushbar/plow- Could improve the vehicles front strength to allow the ability to go undamaged while driving through chain linked fences, or pushing smaller vehicles out of the way.

Improved tire- Maybe a set of tires that could act like a lift kit for offroading and increasing vehicle speed while not of pavement.

Roof lights- Improved lighting and allows the player to see behind the vehicle as well.

Improvised window armor- This would allow players to attach metal pieces to there vehicle's windows which would allow drivers to have better protection from smaller caliber rounds, obviously .50 rounds would still penetrate this.

Engine armor- Much like window armor; round that hit the engine block would have less effect.

Roof rack- This would add a storage rack to the top of the vehicle increasing the amount of goodies the vehicle could hold.

What else would you guys like to see? if anything... Keep in mind that certain things would just completely make the game unfair, try to keep the ideas more like this:


And less like this:


Edited by Sappa

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This is what we need, also where are the cow catchers at?


Edited by burritoman259

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I have heard that Rocket has plans on improving vehicles by adding components such as car tarps to keep it hidden.

What I'd also like to see is..

Car Alarms; If touched or trying to enter inside, alarm will go off which would alert survivors and zombies around you.

Air Conditioner/Heater; Feeling a bit hot or cold? Turn on some vents and blast some air on you to keep you satisfied!

Option to roll up/down windows;

  • Rolling up your windows would improve aerodynamics, saves fuel and keeps the interior of the car a more quiet ride along with some small arms resistance.
  • Keeping them down allows air flow to enter the occupants keeping them cool and able to see surroundings better.

Manual/Automatic Transmissions; No explanation needed here, just adds more variety to cars instead of solely being automatics.

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Car alarms would be great... But windows to save gas? Even though that's realistic, what would be the point of rolling down the window?

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Car alarms would be great... But windows to save gas? Even though that's realistic, what would be the point of rolling down the window?

Also to improve aerodynamics :) With airflow entering inside your car, it'll only drag it out which means holding it back from performing better. Rolling down would be good in case being 'too hot' is a factor because being cold is a factor. Also it'd provide a slightly clear view and the capability of shooting out of your car(IF POSSIBLE) .. Lowering your windows would unmuffle the sound from Voice Chat comparing to leaving your windows up :)

Edited by TIC321

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Didn't really think of it that way, but yea that would add to the realism for sure. and spikes... As long as they aren't over the top OP, zombies alrdy die from hitting into them, no real point XD

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Someone watched too much "pimp my ride" ?

I'm not sure of the point considering vehicles are mostly a transient thing, you use them until they get taken/destroyed.

And i sincerely hope the SA won't feature any retarded "protection" for them.

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Someone watched too much "pimp my ride" ?

I'm not sure of the point considering vehicles are mostly a transient thing, you use them until they get taken/destroyed.

And i sincerely hope the SA won't feature any retarded "protection" for them.

Yes, it will feature it, That's the best way to do it. It only improves game experience for both lone wolves and people that plays in very small groups.

For people who don't like it, get over it.

Edited by Mitor

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I agree, I've played on plenty of 20+ player servers and went weeks without having my vehicle stolen. With the hidden tarp system this would improve that. This post originated after being fed up when every 5 minute drive turned into a 30 minute one because I lost a wheel for some stupid reason.

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