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If you want to be a friendly player, here are some tips.

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Here are some tips for Friendly players.

The most obvious one is fire back if they fire on you.

If you encounter a person suddenly around a corner or in a building, get behind cover as fast as you can, then if you can, say something like "Hello?" in direct communication. Then refer to tip #1

To avoid coming across people, take less direct routes to where you want to go.

To avoid people coming across you, try holding up in areas with less/low quality/no stuff.

If they have a bandit skin, prepare for a fight, as chances are you're going to get one.

If you happen to come across another friendly, try sticking around with him. He may just save your life.

In contrast to the above tip, if you decide to stick around another player, or he chooses to stick around you, watch your back. He may try to take your beans.

I just wanted to give some friendly tips, from one person to another.

Edited by Dusty926
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Yes, but that goes without saying.

But...you never said that...;)

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But...you never said that... ;)

I never did say it because it's the one that practically everyone knows in order to be a nice player.

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If they don't respond to direct or side chat chat, shoot them in the face.

If they have a bandit skin, shoot them in the face.

If they seem suspicious, shoot them in the face.

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That first contact is definitely hard. I find making sure i have cover while talking on Direct works best. Of course just running into someone around a corner is also a possibility.

Unfortunately there are still douchebags who say "Hey buddy, friendly" and the moment you come out from cover they fire upon you. Happened to me last night - i walked out to meet a guy and he lights me up with a Bizon. Ha ha - a Bizon, i thought, as i pumped 5 shots into him with my AK.

But then again i also kept running into another player around a city in Taviana. We'd meet up, bloodbag each other and run off again. Being friendly doesn't just mean you have to hang out together.

Being a friendly is definitely a harder gamestyle than being a douche bandit. With banditry you don't have to worry about player contact as you are just going to shoot the first chance you get anyway.

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I always try to talk in direct chat, for some reason I find killing other players harder once I've spoken to them, so I'd hope other players would be like that with me.

Plus you can maybe 60/70% of the time tell what their intentions are from the sound of their voice.

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When I encounter potentially friendly players I tend to take control of the situation quite forcibly just to make sure I dont get caught out.

This normally involves me sneaking up on survivors and screaming "freeze! , drop your gun and get on the f**king floor NOW before i put one in your head! " over direct chat.

The responses are quite funny and most immediately comply. If they do I will disarm them (if needed) then say "Ok bud on your way!" and then let them move on. Any one who does not immediately do what i say is shot dead and looted, i really dont mess about.

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Get the hero skin BOOOM. I'm such a douche :|

Edited by BwobBwub

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It's easy. Don't be loud and annoying, if you run down the center of the road with 10+ aggro yelling friendly in direct, friendly or not people will shoot you. Be casual when talking to people. Don't get attatched to them either, a lot of people would prefer to break off rather than stay grouped. Don't point your fucking gun at them it just puts people on edge.

In the end it all comes down to meeting the right person. Sorry for the shit quality posts lately but posting from a phone gets me lazy on cleaning my posts up.

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A good tip to take friendly players off edge is to double tap L-CTRL to lower your weapon, Dont worry about leaving yourself vunerable all you have to do is hit prone and you can open fire as your hitting the deck If the friendly player turns hostile and tries to kill you.

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If you want to be a friendly player, here's a tip: Don't.

Heres a better tip, watch some of my videos, you can be a friendly player you just have to use your head, and be prepared to shoot when someone is acting suspicious

Watch some of these and use some of the tips in them to get on with other people:

Bear in mind I only play on dayz+ as the zombies are a real threat and sometimes other players will need help, but these kind of thiings can help on any dayz game mode or map

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You forget the most important:

Don't get to attached to your gear. (Especially whe playing friendly)


Lone Warrior nice Video!

Edited by El_Hadschi

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I can't for the life of me understand why nobody has posed the question... "Why would you want to be friendly to begin with?"

At the current stage of the game the only challenge you will ever face is when fighting other players. Killing zombies is a no-brainer. (pun indeed intended)

Finding loot is only good for what exactly? You are farming gear to do what?

You find and fix a vehicle so you can move about quickly but what is the purpose of moving about if all you do all day is kill zombies and look for gear? Gear that you can find pretty much everywhere?

Sure, you won't come across many heli crash sites without a vehicle of some sort. You won't be able to stack up on good gear without a camp someplace or at least a vehicle or two... BUT WHY WOULD YOU WANT ANY GEAR TO BEGIN WITH... Considering you will rarely if ever use it?

The best way to be friendly is to not have any gear at all besides maybe a hatchet to kill zombies with. That is the safest way for whomever you come across to know you are not a direct threat to them.

You clearly don't need a backpack if you intend to be friendly. All you need is the hatchet and some food.

Nope, the mere existence of "friendly" is totally alien to me. Either you are with my group (IRL friends) or you are a target, simple as that. Trust no one and kill anyone who is a direct threat to you (they carry a weapon of any kind) and you will find that this game has a lot to offer to you.

I started out being a "mr nice guy" and wanted to create a base of some sort, have lots of vehicles and eventually a helicopter.

I spent hours upon hours searching for vehicle parts and whatnot, at one point i had 5 vehicles tucked away in various locations on the map. I had an AS50 and M14 AIM, a coyote backpack, NVG, GPS and all that jizz.

TO WHAT END? One little mistake and you where set back several hours of painstaking gear farming.

As it is now, unless i carry something of any real worth like a DMR, AS50, M107 etc etc i just roam the two big cities looking for someones head to pop with whatever weapon i happen to come across.

If i die i just make my way back to Cherno or Elektro, find any weapon and go hunting for players. Take their weapon(s) if better and repeat til i have something resembling good gear. Then i move out occasionally to hunt the "elite" players who roam the "big spawns" for gear.

The one thing most players don't know about DayZ is you don't really need to leave Cherno or Elektro to find good military gear. All you have to do is clean out the military loot spawn points and wait 10 minutes. Come back and find your upgrades right there.

If someone happens to "steal" your loot you just pop his head or die. At least you have now saved yourself the trip to the bloody NWA and all the boredom and time it takes to make said trip.

And there is nothing as exciting as being smack bang in the middle of Elektro and having 5-7 random people all running around looking for you because you killed them or their freshly spawned friend.

Why waste your time doing anything but look for a weapon and go hunt other players?

Sure, you can set a limit so you only hunt the "bad guys", that's quite alright with me. But in the end, this is nothing more than a free for all deathmatch with zombies as a nuisance.

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Don't go out of your way to say friendly. I the guy is close and you know you'll run into him, say hello. Don't chase him down. I've seen too many newbs shouting friendly over side while chasing some chump.

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The one thing most players don't know about DayZ is you don't really need to leave Cherno or Elektro to find good military gear. All you have to do is clean out the military loot spawn points and wait 10 minutes. Come back and find your upgrades right there.

I can't help but feel you are missing out on some of the best experiences you can have in DayZ...but hey, if that's the way you like to play, more power to you.

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I can't help but feel you are missing out on some of the best experiences you can have in DayZ...but hey, if that's the way you like to play, more power to you.

What experiences are you talking about exactly?

The experience of running 10 km to get to NWA only to find at most 3 people, all fully geared lying in wait in one of the several tree lines around the strip?

The experience of then running the extra ~3 km around the airfield, checking every little hiding place on your way?

Or the experience of becoming one of the same group of campers around the airfield, waiting for whatever amount of time it takes for one to make a sound or make a move?

Are we talking about the experience that is suggested to every new player, walking inlands to look for gear for hours on end and constantly checking every nook and cranny around the hotspots for the "elite" snipers that are bound to camp from them?

Finding a heli crash site that has been looted by several others before you get there so all you find is a few bandages and the junk they didn't take like a Bizon?

Or in the off chance you are the first to a crash site and you still only find a FAL?

Or should you be so lucky as to find a M107 or AS50 only to have to make the same thing you did before, camping or get camped...?


Mind you, i have done all that already. I have had vehicles, i have had a helicopter, i have been carrying full gear, i have fought the "elites" at NWA and Stary.

I have been a friendly, i have been helpful... The one thing all of these things have in common is they take lots of TIME and effort with very small returns, if any.

The best experience you can have is spawning fresh, finding a double barrel shotgun and going full on commando with it with another bored player in one of the big towns. Taking his gear and repeating the process.

Instead of wasting 4-6 hours running and looting you spawn, find a weapon in 5-10 minutes and are good to go fighting others for dominance. IF you are any good you will come out on top and eventually snag someone elses AS50.

I have killed a few DMR/M107/AS50 etc users already, simply by coming up behind them with makarovs, winchesters, hatchets and putting a well placed bullet to the back of their head. That's the best experience of all time, knowing they most likely spent DAYS finding their gear only to have it taken away by someone who spawned no more than 20 minutes ago.

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I'm always friendly when I play DayZ. I can't help it. I'm one of those who would feel considerably guilty if I chose to do the opposite. I won't open fire on another person first. I would avoid bandits (I have actually never encountered one as of yet despite playing a decent amount over two months.) I have been somewhat lucky in my encounters. Only recently on Origins have I had a string of bad luck and been shot on sight despite my best efforts of playing nice.

As for not having any fun experiences playing as friendly... Well it's to survive against people who have that view point in my opinion. If you encounter other friendlies you have the chance to team up with them, help them out etc. I've met some lovely individuals so far. Sure it's hard as hell to trust people and the overall community seems to prefer the PVP and such, but oh well. Each to their own :)

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