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So rocket, a western city eh?

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Make it in Minneapolis Minnesota! Or some place in Canada so my Canadian friends will play the game eh. xD

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Edited by YZ250

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Waiheke Island in Auckland NZ would be nice, no military bases though...

Although, there is an old WW2 tunnel system that is now a tourist attraction.

Edited by Auslovich

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The biggest task with any major terrain is all the individual model assets required to make it look even halfway believable...

Take a look around Cherno next time you play - a good look... Everything you see apart from the ground surface under your feet and the sky above your head is a model of one kind or another - there's a lot of different models required to make a "city"... that requires skilled modellers - and time, lots of time..

Now Cherno isn't really too heavily populated by "major cities", yet it's fairly well known that it took a whole team of pro-modellers a year or more to make.. how long would you guess New York would take??

I've made a terrain or two in my time, and a building or two, and they're not simple boxes, especially when people are keen on enterable buildings... a medium-sized enterable building, from initial design idea to finished, textured and working in-game could easily be a weeks work or more for a pro-modeller...

Take a walk down the high street of any medium sized town - how many different buildings do you see? - how many would you need for a city? a couple of hundred? - that's a couple of hundred "man-weeks" work - 4 years for a single modeller - a year for a team of four, 6 months for a team of eight???

Then there's the traffic lights, traffic cones, postboxes, streetlamps, streetsigns, pavements, roads, walls, fences, bollards, phoneboxes, billboards... the zillion other things that you need to make any urban location look even halfway authentic...

Then you'll need a terrain to put them all on, plus all the "natural" model assets that requires...

And then you have to put the two together - assemble all the models into coherent locations....

A Big City - a proper "western" one, is a great ambition, and I've no doubt Rocket will make it happen in time, but it's not going to happen overnight...

What's perhaps of more immediate interest is the possibility of porting some of the Arma2 Community terrains to the forthcoming new DayZ runtime when it appears... There's a wealth of beautiful terrains available from talented Arma 2 Community artists. Gaining permission to, or interesting the original authors in, porting some of these to the New DayZ would provide a tremendous variety of new Infestation Areas until the next proper, official terrain arrives...

In fact, I know of at least one or two "nominally Arma2" terrains which are currently in-progress and which are intended for the new DayZ when it appears...

No Major Cities though.... ;)


Good points.

But what about rethinking development all together? Get the commjunity involved and let that content pass through a quality check. Mabey put a system in place where the developers can communicate their design goals for the community to follow. Mabey some form of compensation? Let people who work on pieces personalize them to an extent? Let them put their "mark" on them. Their own names or the names of the group or whatever? It could be in small items placed in buildings like notes or on black boards or mabey in a company name or whatever.

Just trying to think outside the box here.

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On new map creation.............

I think a small select community team, all designing Assets is a great idea. Once SA is out and major features are intergrated there is nothing stopping people with engine access from designing new Items (It is understood its a no-no at the moment for exploit detection). Providing all involved would be sincere enough and honest and a similar goal working towards the SA, the task could be very much quicker. new maps, new ways to play (Not even considering new mechanics some may wish to design)

New payable add-ons would be easier and prolong the life of the game. Keeping us happy and a voluntary work force who love to do what they do. the only limitations are the engine limitations. DayZ has a great (for the most part) community who support and follow he game for it to fail, think of the possibilities)

Lets be fair, rocket can go mountain climbing and enjoying his success while also being able to concentrate on his other ideas, with a team like Matt and the Mod's here and the other media sites, what's to lose for proffesional opinion and talent? there will always be someone at the helm for control and a system for updating with steam would allow easy access for new content. (Steam will benefit big time, forget the competition)

BIS would benefit greatly commercially but this year the onus is on the SA, which is going to make a killing there will be awards and good things said about from all angles, next year there will be add-ons and probably more things which will ensure DayZ does not fall by the way side like so many before it.

More importantly we, the consumersa and fans will have more content and what more could we ask for? As long as our impatient fans realise time is our only down side, we're onto a winner.

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