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Accidental Night Time Encounter

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So we were dicking around and figure we would raid the NWAF on our server. We headed a bit north to park our vehicle while we looted. Shortly after parking the car I heard another vehicle and we hit the deck. We took a guess on the direction and found a car, headlights on a few hundred meters away. The video explains most of the story:

Watch in HD of course, and sorry about the audio desync at the last few minutes.

So this guy fires a single shot at god knows what, so I lob a nade, then a flare because We have no NVG's. I run around like a maniac shooting at the car and shit I see moving. In retrospect, watching the video I am sure these guys are like right next to me the whole time too. My buddy gets the first guy as he runs straight at him. I get the second dude trying to get my friend. We loot up and these guys have NVG's. All we can figure is that the flare I dropped must have flashed the NVG's, and they made them useless.

A few minutes after I cut off the recording their buddy logged into the camp and killed us both. A bit later I saw him driving through zeleno to kamenka. He dropped connection, so we went looking for the car. Found it crashed and exploded into a tree.

Was a fun little engagement. These guys thought we were hackers who teleported to them too, lol.

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