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Looking for someone to team with.

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Add me on steam; Alysrazar

Curled Silver Dragon Icon

13, Mature though.

Edited by Alysrazar

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Hey dude! I'd love to play DayZ with you! I can't seem to find a 'Linux' with the logo you described though. If you do read this, orif anyone reads this and wants to join the server I'm playing on, either add me on Steam: ChildOfPropane or Skype: ChildOfPropane or search NPIG on DayZ Commander or Play With Six and look for 'Propane'. :) Please visist the website as well, make a profile and post on the forum to get a side arm every time you respawn! But before you do that, Steam me or Skype me your In-Game name so I can add it to my referals list. Thanks :D

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Hi, I've just started Dayz and I'm looking for a group to get going with.

Are you on right now?

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Sorry this is late, lost the post, but. I'm also UK, so we have relative time-zones. And I'm gonna do an all nighter tonight, so. Join me! :D

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If you guys plan on playing on the Taviana map, head to my server, I can hook you up with a vehicle to cruise around in and loot! Message me on skype or steam; Scottie09hunt. Or you can PM me here. Just search BBN or our IP is and our PORT is 3289!

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