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Install problems

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I've read alot of threads on how to install the game. Alas, I have so far failed.

Downloaded Arma2, Arma2 OA, and Arma2 OA beta all on Steam.

Downloaded Dayz Commnder and used it to update/install DayZ. Afterwards, I searched for a server but the list remains empty regardless of my filter options.

I manually installed the files into the @dayz addon file that I created in the OA directory. Added the required line in my Steam launch options and fired up OA. I can see the servers, but they each have a red X next to them saying that I have an older version. Is there a newer version hidden somewhere or have I just done something wrong?

Any help would be appreciated.

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are you letting dayz commander through the firewall. what options did you add to witch game

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. Added the required line in my Steam launch options and fired up OA.

did you fire up oa beta or normal oa

if you go into the windows firewall and add dayz commander to it

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i am not saying fire the normal game up im asking if you added the required line to the beta shortcut or the normal arma oa shortcut

do you have the .net framework installed

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Yeah I had added the line.

Messed around with Commander a bit. Once I selected game type, the servers started showing. Got it fixed. Thanks for the help!

,,,now lets discuss where I can find a server without hackers... :/

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