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despair (DayZ)

"You Cannot Play/Edit This Mission"

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I just installed ARMA 2 CO, the latest beta patch, and DayZ 1.7.1. When trying to join any servers, I get the following error:

"You Cannot Play/Edit This Mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.chernarus"

What gives?

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Run the game as Combined operations... Thats exactly 0 help.

Mount the mod etc,,, Thats so vague that id rather just get a straight answer on how to fix this annoying bug

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Run the game as Combined operations... Thats exactly 0 help.

Mount the mod etc' date=',, Thats so vague that id rather just get a straight answer on how to fix this annoying bug


Really, because those instructions FIX "this annoying bug" If you refuse to use google to get a more indepth understanding of how to click on "expansions" and select dayz. Well god help.

If you can't click on the radial button that says Combined operations (steam) or google how to do it (non steam).

Well you're dumb.

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Run the game as Combined operations... Thats exactly 0 help.

Mount the mod etc' date=',, Thats so vague that id rather just get a straight answer on how to fix this annoying bug


No help? There's a sticky thread saying common problems at the top and if you use the search button you'll find the same answer over and over.

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