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Battle eye not responding when using wired connection

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The issue is, whenever I use a wired internet connection, in the hope of getting a better ping I receive Battle eye client not responding. However, when I use wireless I have no issues with Battle eye. It's not a huge issue but I was wondering if it was fixable.

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If it was the other way round, I would say it was normal.

Maybe start the computer with the cable plugged in, it should take priority.

No idea really, shouldn't happen like that.

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If it was the other way round, I would say it was normal.

Maybe start the computer with the cable plugged in, it should take priority.

No idea really, shouldn't happen like that.

Yeah, that's what I thought. I've tried using different Ethernet cables too, strange.

Thanks anyway

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conflicting firewalls? when you say wired, are you talking modem --> router --->computer? first check firewall settings. second get into routers 'settings' ( open a 'cmd' prompt, type in 'ipconfig' [enter] and use a browser like firefox and type the default gateway address ( into the address bar. IF that's never been done before the login and password will be Administrator:password) and check port forwarding/firewall settings for the wired connection. Other wise ask mom or dad what the login is (or hit the little reset button said router and that will set the login/pass to what I said).

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