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Kobra (DayZ)

When will someone add a bolt case to save xbows

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It makes sense to have a bolt case or quiver for your bolts as a toolpouch item, I havent played in months and am really dissapointed such a basic item like that wouldnt be added for the cross bow... Its hardly used as it is.. that weapon is good for hunting, killing zombies quietly and NEEDS a quiver to hold bolts.. seeing as how im sure the dayz team is too busy to reshape how xbows are used cuz you probably have to make the bolts first stackable into a toolbelt item but even so u can just make them stack and add a item for looks and there u have it.

Not everyone wants to have to fire a loud weapon every time. its not like theres a cross hair on it either, it takes skill to use

Edited by Kobra

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Pretty sure quivers are coming to standalone or have already been mentioned as 'on the to do list'.


With what was just released about magazines (sounded like you'll find empty mags in various conditions and have to find ammo separately and load them), Im sure it'll be easy to add on or make the quiver a 'magazine'.

Edited by BigMike

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thank goodness, i havent been following the updates recently but am glad to see them doing something about that.. now what about zombies walking indoors, they will fix that too right?

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