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Hero/Survivor looking for partner

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I'm looking for a hero/survivor or a couple of such individuals to play with, help survivors, and progress in my favorite private hive. I want to do things like be a medic, fortify a town, etc. but these are difficult in a hostile server while lone-wolfing.


US (I'm central time zone)

Good sport

Fair player

Mature and 18+

Have Skype/TS3

Day Z Experience

Good mic

Edited by tatortodd22

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Well if you are interested in joining a new 18+ squad let me know. Terror Task Force is now recruiting in preparation for DayZ stand alone. We are friendly players who hunt bandits, and help newbies.

Check it out: TerrorTaskForce

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Feel free to join my group. We are not a clan we are just a group of 4 that play together 4 or 5 times a week.

We always play survivor role (well most of the time anyway) we are a mature group but still enjoy having a laugh while playing. We have been playing together for around 5-6 months now so we are all experienced.

We use skype and generally have good mics. Only problem is we are European so play to a CET timezone but I think there is only a 4 hour time difference.

Leave me a PM if interested if not have fun surviving!

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