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Every game but WoW gives me packet loss

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Hello, I hope you guys can help me. I have been experiencing a weird issue for a little over a week now. But I have finally diagnosed the problem. When I try to play games like Combat Arms, Arma II /OA, BF3 and run a ping test on pingtest.net my ping is steady, and my jitter is fine but the packet loss is ridiculous! I will have a packet loss of 90-100% causing the game to be unplayable. But when I run this test playing WoW I have 0% packet loss, steady ping, and good jitter. I am completely lost on what to do, other than contact my useless ISP that will not know what to do. I am really frustrated by this and am not sure what the cause of this is or what to do. I have been researching for over a week and have no where else to turn.

I really hope I can get some quality responses that will help me.

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should check with your ISP, maybe have them refresh your signal can sometimes be on their end, also if you connect through a router can try to reboot that or (and this is what I would do) get rid of the router and direct port into your modem for best quality.

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if you are DSL, try reducing packet size from the default 1500 to 1495 and go down by 5 until the packet loss stops.

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