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DayZ SA- 2 types of game difficulty -one like DayZ + and other like DayZ 2017

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After playing some DayZ +, DayZ Vainilla, and DayZ 2017......it got me thinking there is a possible solution....to this constant argument...of player killing and how to not slap the hand of the player who like to be a bandit or more aggressive player who kills more often and the ones who wish to be able to go into a city and don't want to have gun fights unless they have too.

DayZ SA could have two different difficulties which are centered around basically the time period of the DayZ

Since DayZ does not have a exact day and month when you spawned,..you could have once difficult be the more DayZ vanilla/DayZ + style which would be the normal. Then have a more difficult DayZ time period that is like DayZ 2017 which is much more harsh.

From my time playing in DayZ 2017, the world is more harsh where few guns and ammo is hard to find as well as other items. This makes the game harder and pushes players to interact and not shoot each other as often. There are player killing and bandits in DayZ 2017 but not as many since you can't stock-up an arsenal as quickly as DayZ Vanilla.

So I say for players who wish fore more freedom and mobility in gaining guns and ammo- you have the normal setting of DayZ SA- which dates closer to the Infected outbreak then the hardcore mode/hard mode.

Players who wish to not have so many players running around with no care in the world firing on other players- they can go to the hard difficulty where there is much more pressure on players to interact to survive. This Hard difficulty would be set some date after the DayZ vanilla in timeline.

With this design players can get two different experiences due to the layout of the loot (scarcity levels) and other factors which the DayZ SA Team could just play with to find the right sweet spot.

Both types of difficulty would have the same mechanics but how these mechanics are tweaked is what sets them apart.

Plus DayZ SA Team now have flexibility- they don't need to hit the bulls-eye so every player is happy (which is basically impossible)- they can make servers which have the harsh hardcore experience which some players want and a normal which is harsh but not as much as the other version.

So lets make the normal DayZ SA and the Hard version like 2017 is.

Let me know what you think

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Why not just make one version of the game? BIS can't handle two types, see ArmA 2 and OA. The others who want to DM can play a DM game.

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Why not just make one version of the game? BIS can't handle two types, see ArmA 2 and OA. The others who want to DM can play a DM game.

The reason for the two difficulty levels/servers since it allows 2 experiences with using the same map and game mechanics, It will be hard enough for the DayZ team to find the sweet spot where players will not be complaining if its to harsh or not harsh enough.

This would be for the Standalone so they could actually do this. (The grounding of the idea is that one version is closer to the outbreak date then the other)

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No both Dayz+ and 2017 are just dayz with less guns and more rubbish.

Not interested in either or any that doesnt follow the original game idea by Rocket with ALL features he put in i.e ALL guns including sniper rifles, loot tables left the way he set them.

There's plenty of games with different diffuculty levels if thats what you want.

Dayz Mod dident need them and neither does the SA.

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I doubt it would be hard to code in server side functions for this.

You could basically have 2 settings:



You 'could' even tie in the 3rd person view, tracers, nametags, etc to the normal setting and turn everything off in the hardcore mode.

Again, as its a serverside option, server admins are still part of the hive, you still play on the same map, with the exact same environment, just that loot tables and player assists are 'normal' or 'difficult' depending on which server you join.

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I know I'm in the minority as most players want as easy a kill as possible but I won't be buying SA most likely. The vanilla game has turned into sniper wars, and no matter how few spawn on a server, eventually they will be everywhere. It completely ruins the games by having nearly every death you incur come from a guy you never had a chance to fight back against. I wish they would remove them entirely and force players that want to kill their fellow players at least get their hands dirty and work for that kill. If you give a player the option to kill a guy from 800m with little to no risk to themselves that's what they will go for every time.

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I know I'm in the minority as most players want as easy a kill as possible but I won't be buying SA most likely. The vanilla game has turned into sniper wars, and no matter how few spawn on a server, eventually they will be everywhere. It completely ruins the games by having nearly every death you incur come from a guy you never had a chance to fight back against. I wish they would remove them entirely and force players that want to kill their fellow players at least get their hands dirty and work for that kill. If you give a player the option to kill a guy from 800m with little to no risk to themselves that's what they will go for every time.

I personally would like to see a server 'limit' on weapons.

For example, Only 2-3 sniper rifles at any one time.

If 3 active player accounts on a server find the 3 sniper rifles in the map, then no more sniper rifles will spawn.

The only way for other players to get a sniper rifle is to either kill a player who already has one and take if from him, or if the player dies and his body and gear dissapears, then a new sniper rifle will spawn somewhere to take its place waiting to be discovered.

This would put a cap on certain weapons (much like helicopters etc) and it would hopefully make a sniper think twice about his actions due to the knowledge that if you lose it, it will be very difficult to get another one.

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