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Jrod (DayZ)

Crashed Helicopter kills upon entering.

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Date/Time: 5/8/2012

What happened: Found crashed heli spawn. Tried to get into door gunner position. Killed instantly upon activation. Trying to use Saved .... UH-1Y command did nothing either.

Where you were: not sure

What you were doing: Activated door gunner position.

*Current installed version: 1.5.6 plus the extras

*Server(s) you were on: KC2 or 3 I think

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Yup just throwing my confirmation in here as well. Was the gunner side i entered, and instant death

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I also just experienced this. My buddies were with me and they tried to fix up the heli after I died. After minor repairs it informed them that 'the vehicle is no longer on fire'. So, apparently the heli was on fire but there were no visual or audio effects to indicate this.

Vehicles on fire do not appear to be on fire, word of warning. This needs fixed ASAP, lost a good character today.

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i had this problem as well, someone told me you would get perma-banned for doing this is that true ? because i had no idea what the hell it was when i used it i was trying to loot the helicopter

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