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not sure if real...(DayZ commander)

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ok before i possibly fubar my computer. i just about started dayz commander 4 minutes ago prior to writing this. and it shows me this window talking about new tools and giving my email address for news and a possibility to be selected for the beta test. i clicked skip for now because i need to know if thats legit or not.

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I heard that the guy who created DayZ Commander is advertising for a beta test of another product he is creating that isn't DayZ related. DO NOT quote me on that though... I think there was just a similar post of this sort on the forums yesterday.

Edited by BeastOverlord

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Did you get the commander from the DayZ website? If so it's fine, if not uninstal whatever it is you have and get the one from the website.

Nevermind, Beast is a ninja.

Edited by MacabreLlama99

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I don't understand why you would be worried about giving them your email address.

Always have 2 email accounts, Important and Spam (not so important).

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Nope not real.

It is real. Only, OP somehow managed to get "The guy behind DayZ commander is working on some news tools, sign up to be part of the beta" confused with "sign up and you'll get access to the dayz closed test". I think OP needs to read just a little more carefully.

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As said above it's a beta release of DayZ Commander, nothing to do with DayZ Standalone (for which the closed testing isn't 'beta' anyway, it's a technology test and then the foundation release will be alpha). People need to start reading and thinking about what they've read instead of just jizzing in their pants and freaking out when they hear the words 'DayZ', 'beta' or 'test' in the same sentence. xD

Edited by mZLY

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yea i signed up for the beta of cmder, cuz its a fantastic program and id gladly help make it better if possible..

nothing to worry about signing up..

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Come on, let this thread die already. It was posted January 24 and people are still posting even after it's been answered.

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