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If I use Dayz commander

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If I use Dayz commander, does it automatically install and use the newest version of ArmA 2 beta patch? So if i launch DayZ it will use the beta patch? What if i wanna install a newer patch manually, does it use it in DayZ or do I have to move files around? (Replace Arma2OA.exe with the beta patch) Or does DZ-C do it automatically? Thanks in advance.

...Dat wall of text.

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It will use the version you have installed, if you are using a newer version then DZC has added then it will say you are out of date but you can just ignore that.

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Commander will update everything you need including the beta patch to the latest ones being used. You can also download and install all of the new maps from there.

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Oh my god, so fast answer :D Beans for you, thank you.

Edit1: Fraggle, also the beta patches are a bit late in DayZ and they will be added when dotjosh adds them. That's why I'm gonna use the manual installation for them.

Edited by AlternatePannari

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We are like ninjas ;)

Everybody was kung fu typing...There hands were fast at replying! Edited by DanielTy88

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