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Statik (DayZ)

US2419 Admin Abuse/Random Bans

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Server Name: US2419

My Timezone: MST - Mountain Standard Time

Date/Time: I was banned at approximately 10:30am on Jan 22, 2013.

Administrators: Se7eN (Head Admin/One who gave me my ban), Sarge888

What Happened: Friends and I engaged in active, legitimate banditry on the server. In the end we discovered and destroyed multiple vehicles and tents. We also killed two members of the clan that owns this server. Our fun was interrupted by hackers and we spent time getting their names and such so we could report them to the server admins. The next day, a member, and friend of mine, discovered he was banned from their Teamspeak and server. I logged into their Teamspeak and personally addressed the head admin asking why my friend was banned from their server. His response was something along the lines of (This is not a quote, but it's from what I remember) "____ and the rest of your organization have been banned from our Teamspeak and game server for Teamkilling, and disrespect among some other things. The full list will be emailed to _____". I was then immediately banned from their Teamspeak.

I then joined the server US2419 to attempt to contact an admin over direct chat and the second I was loaded into the game, I received an admin ban with no explanation. I filed for a ban appeal on their forums but received no response. As of now, the majority of members from our organization are banned from the server.

Evidence: I was not thinking at the time to have a recording of my conversation with the head admin, but the following clip is me attempting to join their server and getting the administrator ban popup.

P.S. The "____" are just to sensor names.


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Yes, reasons were unknown. He said the reasons were "Teamkilling and disrespect". And when I attempt to join the Teamspeak it says exactly "You are banned permanently. Reason: "You have been banned for Teamkilling and disrespect."

I could screen shot it if you would like, but that is only Teamspeak.

EDIT: I don't know if this affects anything with the server report, but I attempted to log into the website and it said I am permanently banned and "Reason: ESU". (ESU is my clans tags).

Our group has had interactions with this group in the past, and not all good. I feel this could play a strong part in why many of us are permanently banned from their TS, Website, and Public Server.

Edited by Z_StaTik_z

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i am part of the same group/clan as Z_StaTik_z and am also banned of the server. the server is not a privet hive it is on the public hive

my timezone is CET and i got banned around 18:00 22.01.2013

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Everyone associated with RSQ and ESU have been permanently banned from everything that TMW controls. This is more to distance ourselves from RSQ than it is to punish anyone. Many of us in TMW still would call several people from RSQ friends, but the fact is that I cannot allow certain people in your organization to continue to harrass TMW Members, both in game and on our forums. In my opinion, all this is coming dangerously close to cyber-bullying (for instance, I received a threat the other day) and I'd like to drop the whole matter before it becomes something serious.

At the end of the day, this is a video game that we all like to play. I apologize that I can't let your organization play with mine, but there has simply been too much stress involved.

Good luck and take care,



This is the email I received from the founder of this group sent to me, explaining the reasoning behind the mass ban. I must add, this so called threat he is talking about, was a threat directed towards him, his members, and their server in-game.

Edited by Z_StaTik_z

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I will admit to telling the leader of that group that for supporting a person that has been seen teleporting and has used the phrase "Should I be naughty?" in reference to turning on some kind of ESP hack giving him the location of other players, he and his guys will pay. I forgot to specifically say that I was going to hunt him down in the game for being a two faced lying son of a bitch that publicly rebukes hackers and in private pats his personal hackers on the head.

That's right, i said "You and your guys are going to pay." On their teamspeak. Ban us from your teamspeak for it. Ban us from your forums for it. But I didn't think that banning us from a bohemia hive server (Or public server) was allowed.

At least, the server rules still reflect this.

Edited by Cody TheLibrarian
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That's right, i said "You and your guys are going to pay." On their teamspeak. Ban us from your teamspeak for it. Ban us from your forums for it. But I didn't think that banning us from a bohemia hive server (Or public server) was allowed.

At least, the server rules still reflect this.


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Just go to another server, no point in trying to play on a server managed by "sons of bitchs" or other descriptive terms. Just one less server I would play on or send someone to play on.

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The issue here seems to be that they want to play BECAUSE the server is managed by "Sons of bitchs" and want to mess their stuff up, but the server admins have banned them to stop them from doing this, which is presumably against the server rules.

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Just go to another server, no point in trying to play on a server managed by "sons of bitchs" or other descriptive terms. Just one less server I would play on or send someone to play on.

Why post this nonsense in a server report thread?

The abundance of servers should not exempt people from the rules. I expected better from someone with a blue name.

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and the rest of your organization have been banned from our Teamspeak and game server for Teamkilling

When i saw that I was like Lolwut? B) Just the day before that seven the head admin was killing me and i'm not saying how it but it wasn't legit.

oh aye I'm the same group/clan that got banned the approximate number of us that got banned is atleast 12 of us.

Edited by Sleeping Tobi

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OP - You have your answer. An admin (public or private) is well within his rights to ban a group of players if it is for the overall welfare of the majority of the playerbase, especially if they are in receipt of threatening emails from members of that group.

It has clearly been stated by the lead devs in the past that admins are allowed to exercise their own judgementdiuscretion to a degree if they believe it is for the welfare of their server and does not damage the name of DayZ. I beleive this is the case here. If you would like further clarification then please feel free to PM me regarding this matter.


Edited by Fraggle

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