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Worlds longest gaming session - DayZ

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In July a Taiwanese man collapsed and died following a 40-hour Diablo III marathon at an internet café. Last year, an American gamer suffered a pulmonary embolism during a 20-hour Xbox session.

Seriously, if you're risking your health like this just to have your name on paper/play a video game, something is wrong with you.

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Every now and then I'll have one of those sessions where food and drink is stored in your bedroom, the curtains are closed, the lights off, and the door locked.. If I could lock it that was.

For DayZ the longest I played was last year in November, woke up at about 8:00am, played through to about 5:00am the next morning. Not by myself, for the majority of that time I was with my buddies.

The longest one I've done was when Borderlands 1 first came out, had no idea what game it was, and had never heard of it, I only got it because I needed a good co-op split screen game. Ended up playing it from the morning I got it to the evening the next day. For a game which I never had any intentions of getting at all, turned out it was my most favourite game ever.

But back to DayZ, after a while it does get veeeery boring, especially when the server begins to get empty, then your left to hunt for gear, vehicles, and heli's, and wait till people start waking up again.

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My longest might be like 8 hours? But that was with a mate over, and it was raining I think...

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How long are your sessions on dayz usually? I don't have it yet and already clocked in 8 hours straight according to skype. My ally must have done about 12 as he was playing for five hours before I connected.

I would say that over christmas break I might have done at least 10 hours or more like I've pulled and all nighter and took the next day off

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Longest I ever played DayZ was about 10 hours. Doubt I'll do that again anytime soon.

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I have played this for many hours in one sitting.. way longer than I should.. Curse Rocket for making an addicting game..

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My longest dayz session is 1 day, 16 hours... that was back in August.

i slept for a long time after that.

Edited by Stapo

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