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Keep Things Realistic

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Hey guys, I'm new to this site but I've been following DayZ for a while now although I haven't actually played it yet, I'll probably wait for the stand alone to release. Anyhow, the reason I created this topic is to share my thoughts as a developer myself and to maybe get some answers as to where DayZ is going. The first thing I would like to say is that what you guys are doing is great and I'm really excited to play the stand alone version. Keep in mind though, the more unrealistic the game gets, sometimes the more boring it will be, for instance, if everyone were to have a jetpack or something like....a pumpkin head? These things may seem cool but will quickly make things unrealistic and boring. Now, I'm sure you don't have this kind of thing in mind, I was just exaggerating. I think, and correct me if these are already in the works, but I feel there should be less ammo, guns and vehicles, that way if you find a pistol or rifle or maybe even a car, it will mean a lot and it would make you want to do everything you can to keep and protect it. I also think that every player, or group of players should have a somewhat safe spot, maybe have rare locks laying around that you can put on a door and lock your stuff inside of a house or something, or maybe even small safes around the world that only 1-2 keys work for but also have lock picks so you could still break in if you wanted to. I love the game and the idea, people have already started making clones of DayZ (I wont mention names), and even though they may look decent, the gameplay and features are not even close to being as unique and in-depth as DayZ. I'm looking forward to this game and I wish you all the best of luck. If anyone has any info about how rare items and vehicles will be or has any info on safe locations let me know. Thanks!

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I suppose less guns/ammo could work, but it's fine the way it is in my mind, to be honest.

Cars, I don't think there should be less, if anything, more. For the amount of Zombies in an estate area, a lot of the people clearly didn't have cars or just burnt them out.

I like the way cars are, it seems like there could be more though, while still being realistic.

I understand your ideas and I'm not completely dismissing them, but play DayZ for a while, look into what you do a little more. I've gone hours without many guns and when I started playing, it was weeks before I saw my first car, long before I got to drive one.

I respect what you say though, nothing crazy.

Edited by DashDashh

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Rule No.1 of the DayZ forums, don't put realistic or unrealistic in your posts, you haven't experienced the zombie apocalypse.

On Topic: "less ammo, guns and vehicles". I'm sure less military grade weapons will be around and more civilian weapons.

"Safe Spot" If you mean a safe zone, NO.

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cars need to be more common I have been playing for a month I have found 2 tractors 1 car and a bike (found others but they where not drivable)

ammo and guns are rare as it is as the main spawn points in larger citys are almost always raided

rocket has stayed well clear of anything unrealistic and only ever moves away from it for the sake of balance

to be honest i think you should play the game before commenting, if you have been watching YouTube vids you don't realize how much they are edited to skip the looking around for basic gear

trust me when you play the game you will not be disappointed

Edited by King Tubbs
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I feel like having less of everything wouldn't really be interesting. Instead of having fewer guns and ammo, I would prefer having about the same amount of guns as we do now, but have ammo be much more scarce, especially for more powerful weapons. Similarly, I would want vehicles to be more common than they are now, but have fuel be slightly rarer.

Edited by Dark Link

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Hello there

One has to remember that with the upsurge of private hives, there are many varied versions of dayz, So on many steams/tubes folk will appear to have a lot of cool kit very quickly. Editing also may give this impression.

I believe the SA will be a raw and pitiless experience I'd have fun with all the leet gear whilst you can.



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Less guns could work, but I'd say a better way of keeping things interesting and making players feel genuinely "scared" of death in game would be; -

- make ammo a bit less common so it had to be conserved

- Make gun shots louder and attract zombies from everywhere within earshot, such as how heavy cal weapons do now

- make military grade weapons as rare as rocking horse shit

All of these things would make mele weapons such as bats, axes, swords, hammers etc the preferred zombie killer weapons.

Cars I would say keep them quite common, after all they wouldn't all just disappear, I'd just say make roads more congested and harder to use and make fuel harder to get (again so it had to be conserved . Also it should only be done by siphoning (once you had scavenged all the bits of a syphon kit, and you should be very exposed when siphoning.

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Thanks for the input guys. I agree I should play it before assuming things based on the videos I've watched. I don't have a whole lot of gaming time to just throw money into buying Arma2 just to play DayZ though that's why I was asking for feedback. Also, the reason I used "realistic" (@BwobBwub), is because even though this is a zombie apocalypse mmo, it doesn't mean everyone should run around with wings and fairy dust, that's all I meant by that. As for the "Safe Spots" I didn't mean a PvE zone, I meant something like small structures you can build and create some sort of protection that's not 100% safe but may take work for someone else to get in. I have high hopes for this game and it's one of the few that I look forward to playing.

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"I meant something like small structures you can build and create some sort of protection that's not 100% safe but may take work for someone else to get in."

there is not really anything like that at the mo you can get sandbags that stop zeds and barbwire that stops people but there is no true way to even vaguely secure a building

this should be coming at some point but fro what i gather from interviews with rocket it is way down the list and could be another year or more before we see it

" is because even though this is a zombie apocalypse mmo, it doesn't mean everyone should run around with wings and fairy dust, that's all I meant by that"

there is nothing like that and by the sounds of it never will be and thanks to the warz covering that sort of rubbish, I dont think even the most jaded publishing house could ever even get away with suggesting it, It would be the death of dayz

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DAyz doesn't need to be realistic. It just needs to be believable. As long as we aren't commando having airstrikes pop out of our @ss i am cool.

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I'm happy enough with the current but I can't wait for the new ideas in the SA.

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