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How often are your camps raided?

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Lately been either having terrible luck with people finding our cleverly hidden camps lost maybe 13 camps in last few days.

How often does everyone elses camps get found and raided? It seem we cant keep a camp for more then 1-3 hours anymore. It used to stay safe at least a week or so.

I call shenanigans but others here disagree and say its groups of players grid searching 24/7.

Whats everyone elses experience with having your camps raided?

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Maybe tell us where your old camps were and we can tell you how "clever" they were?

My camp isn't on a particularly populated server but we never once had it raided. Once or twice we encountered a random close by but that's about it.

If you're putting your camp on the edge of the map, you're not being clever.

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My guess like other hacks someone has atool where they can see where things are stashed on the map.

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I find camp all the time they are always not far from water and food, as fields with cows there a tent not far away.

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Red dots depict camp locations

Every one was found within 1-6 hours of being setup....

We never leave anything in the open always inside trees as close as they can get to the trunk usually only being visible from one angle or completly hidden in trees(our atvs) maybe the front of a tractor or the corner of a car or truck.

The thing thats most suspicious though is that our tents which were sometimes setup nearby in open fields were completly untouched and unseen dmrs etc in them, even tho they were not hidden at all....

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My camp has never been raided, because I'm not a cunt who hordes gear just to get instantly re-equipped when I respawn.

This ruins the immersion in the game, I hope you light a fire and your camp burns down.

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Hiding stuff near Black Lake is a bad idea. That's one of the specific areas I search for when looking for a camp.

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That is too many camps to be found that quickly each time. It is extremely obvious that you have a traitor and you should have seen it as well. If someone was cheating they would spawn the items rather than use it to track you and steal your shit.

Not all of those are good locations, but 1-6 hours is way too short of a life for a camp to remain hidden.

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I think locations marked on map should most certainly be avoided.

Use them as a point of reference, but nothing more.

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That is too many camps to be found that quickly each time. It is extremely obvious that you have a traitor and you should have seen it as well. If someone was cheating they would spawn the items rather than use it to track you and steal your shit.

Not all of those are good locations' date=' but 1-6 hours is way too short of a life for a camp to remain hidden.


That's a pretty good theory -- I just assumed he was playing with people he could trust (friends, family, long-time clan mates, etc).

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I stumble upon camps all the time. I found a tent cleverly hidden in a town once.. though.. guess it wasn't that clever.. since I found it.

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People I play with I have been gaming with for 7 years so its not a traitor and we have no new people hanging with us.

The map I provided I marked myself to show a general location of where are camps were.

I included it so people could have a better idea on whether or not our camps were just poorly placed or well hidden.

We took time to find those spots making sure its away from well traveled areas or between deerstand/towns/watering holes etc and not in obvious places. Some were a good 10 minute drive/30 minute walk from anything worth visiting.

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I agree I understand that people would eventually find them every camp will be found eventually my point is that them being found and raided within hours of setting them up so consistently is just hard to believe.

Yes some of those places are tentish but then wouldnt the tents we had have been found as well most everytime our tents were left alone in open fields but cars that were hidden in trees out of sight were raided or stolen...

Thats why im asking other peoples experiences and how long on avg does a camp like those i showed get raided? We could always be lame and go way off the map into nothingness land but whats the point you could then just go raid the airfield or players in towns and get the loot you stored in same amount of time as it takes to drive way the hell out there and back over and over.

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We put tents in one of those spots once on a very low pop European server and it was raided within 12 hours. Some thought shenanigans, however, I try to restrict judgement until I have proof. So, I can't tell you why everything gets looted... Probably tent seekers going from server to server checking the tentish spots. Why risk your life when you have all you need in the friendly forest?

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I've given up on trying to hide my camp. At the moment the map is simple too small to keep it safe for a longer period of time, it will get raided sooner rather then later.

Nowadays I carry all the stuff that I need in my inventory/backpack instead, much safer. :)

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My group of 4 has defiantly had issues with this, we have had 4 campsite locations and they have all been compromised very quickly, interestingly enough though once once we had a vehicle at the campsite. coincidence?

The last was so hard to find i have trouble finding it myself a couple of times.

Our campsite wasn't given away by a member of the group as we have played together for years and the only one who i havn't known for 3+ years hadn't been to the last campsite which was found within 24 hours.

After all that i have decided it aint all that bad, its going to happen. And its so easyt o tool up now that having a campsite isnt all that important.

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Have you spent a lot of time and been very visible moving in a large group to and from camps? Perhaps someone might be following you.

It is unlikely but I guess it is possible...

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There is also a prevalence of maphacks that show people where every tent/vehicle is when they open their map. This is a huge problem that we are waiting to be fixed.

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We took time to find those spots making sure its away from well traveled areas or between deerstand/towns/watering holes etc and not in obvious places. Some were a good 10 minute drive/30 minute walk from anything worth visiting.

Well the whole northern/western boundary is pretty much scoured for camps on popular servers with vehicles.

The only advice I can give you is to think not just how far the camp is from some point of interest, but whether it's *between* two points of interest, ie. could you think of a scenario for some one to stumble onto the camp while going from A to B.

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It's funny, you think those are good places to hide camps, when really they are on some of the highways that a lot of players would use.

To get from Berezino to say, NWAF, I would have visited about 5-7 of your sites, just by walking through my normal route - obviously they weren't set up all at once, but you get the idea that any location can be generally unsafe.

Where there's one person that travels somewhere; there are about 50 others, probably more, that travel the same way.

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