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XilentStrike (DayZ)

Got accepted but no e-mail.

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Could you just give a little more information please.

I / we (Moderators) can not even start to examine your problem with just "Got accepted but no e-mail" .

I'm sure you understand why.

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Yeah yeah, so I sent an instance id request on the 26/12/2012 and now It's accepted. It allows me to download the server files and the mission file but I have received no emails with further instructions from the DayZ team.

I should have received an email with the instructions on how to set up the server, but I received none and I can't set my server up.

If I press the "my emails" button in the dayz client area it says this "no records found"

My friend showed me his e-mail with instructions and it's a pretty long ass list.

How am I suposed to start up my server with no instructions? :(

Edited by XilentStrike

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No, don't do that. Might as well keep your options open. :)

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