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Combining clips! suggestion

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It would be nice to comine two clips that are partialy depleted into one clip. this would save bag space for players carrying around a bunch of half full clips.

eg. two akm mags are half empty 15 rounds a pice, the two clips would take up two slots. You would combine them and make one full mag thus saving you space, also full mag and a partial mag if there are extra bullets in the event the total amount of bullets exceded the maximum capacity of one full mag eg 1 full mag /30rnds + 1mag 3rnds

I belive this would make the gameplay much more enjoyable as you could potentialy save more space and not have to keep reloading nearly depleted mags during fire fights saving you time that might save you or a fellow survivors life.

on a lighter note im sorry if this post is long its my first time posting. I tryed to search to see if anyone had allready suggested this idea but came up empty. So i thought i would throw it out there for all of you to consider hope you like the idea. :)

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Yes. Good idea. I would like this too.

This has been mentioned before a few times, but I couldn't really find it myself.

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this thread already explains how it can be solved:


by using single bullets which you can remove out of the magazine, place them into your inventory, and if you wish you can insert them in another mag which uses the same caliber.

kinda makes "mag conversion" and "combining clips" redundant.

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yahh i found a post later on that talked about combining clips but it took me a while. I think they should put it into the game ither way if people dont get behind it as an idea at first the will eventualy try it out and probbly love it!!!

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I had an idea which is kind of similar to this, not sure about the technical problems involved though, also i look at other things like half eating a can of beans etc.


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