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Robson (DayZ)

Pilot,sniper,driver, 5 months of experience LFG

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Hello, I am looking for a squad or clan anywhere from 1 person to ~10. I have been playing for little over 5 months and consider myself a great helicopter pilot and sniper. I would prefer the clan/squad have members who know what they are doing and take the game some what serious (not shooting an as50 at zombies in stary or anything similar). I'm reliable, on often, somewhat quiet and I like to play tactical. I will not play namalsk but any other map is fine. Contact me by any means but i prefer skype.I also speak english well and my voice isn't high pitched

In Game Name: A small african child

Age: 15

Microphone: Yes


Ventrilo: Yes

Mumble: Yes

Steam: Gagexr

skype: Gagexr/ A small african

Edited by Robson

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