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Kicked from game constantly.

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1. I am running the retail version of ARMA 2: Combined Operations.

2. I don't think that I am running the Beta Patch, however when using the Day Z commander a prompt came up asking me to install one so it's possible that I am running one.

3. I'm using the Day Z commander.

4. When I first choose a server to run through the commander I get an initial error message reading, "CA_CommunityConfigurationProject_E' Requires add-on 'CA_BAF'" I click "OK" and the game continues to load. Once in the game I get another error message in a prompt box that reads, "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Soldier_Crew_PMC.scope'" I click "continue" and immediately am kicked back to the main screen without seeing any messages at all. From the main screen of the Day Z mod I go to multiplayer and enter a random server and when I do I get another error message that reads:

"Files "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\expansion\dta\core.pbo", Followed by the same directory naming multiple PBO files such as, air_e.pbo, animals_e.pbo, ca_e.pbo, ... are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys."

I click "continue" once again and am immediately kicked back to the server list and in the bottom left of the screen it reads,

"Battleeye client: Initialized (V1.190)

Registration failed: SSL connect error (schannel: failed to setup extended errors

You were kicked from the game

I have been through this multiple times and have tried everything to get this game working. I uninstalled everything completely and then reinstalled and still am having the same problems. I updated my BattleEye client from the battleEye website. According to the Day Z commander everything is up to date and installed. I'm really hoping that someone out there can explain and solve this issue for me so I can enjoy this modification.

In the top right of the game screen under the DAYZ logo it reads:

ArmA 2




Edited by ExecutiveAction

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Did you try other servers, have u atleast started both games through steam once? have u tried Mulitplayer itself in AO if that works, when not, the problem is not DayZ

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hi mate

install this hotfix from ms http://support.micro...kb/975858/en-us


update beta manually from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php to any version higher then 100496

and you should be fine

you are having a TLS/SSL negotiation failure

I am having the same issue with the pbo files saying to remove them. I tried your fixes the MS hotfix says not needed on my comp and the installing the OA patch to latest does nothing either... i still get the same error

"Files "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\expansion\dta\core.pbo", Followed by the same directory naming multiple PBO files such as, air_e.pbo, animals_e.pbo, ca_e.pbo, ... are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys."

I used to be able to play DAYz just fine but uninstalled it a couple months ago and just now reinstalled it today to this nonsence... does anyone have a clue on this or a successful fix?

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have you updated arma to 1.11 and oa to 1.62 before installing the beta patch

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I am having the same issue with the pbo files saying to remove them. I tried your fixes the MS hotfix says not needed on my comp and the installing the OA patch to latest does nothing either... i still get the same error

"Files "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\expansion\dta\core.pbo", Followed by the same directory naming multiple PBO files such as, air_e.pbo, animals_e.pbo, ca_e.pbo, ... are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys."

I used to be able to play DAYz just fine but uninstalled it a couple months ago and just now reinstalled it today to this nonsence... does anyone have a clue on this or a successful fix?

Bump for more info on this

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have you updated arma to 1.11 and oa to 1.62 before installing the beta patch

i updateed the game with commander and it says its all up to date

I know OA is at 1.62 got it from the link that you provided

arma2 is at 1.06

Edited by subgenius5150

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yeah but thats the beta patch start arma 2 up and see what the version says and do the same for arma 2

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i updateed the game with commander and it says its all up to date

I know OA is at 1.62 got it from the link that you provided

arma2 is at 1.06

what link i provided the one in this post to to the beta only not the 1.62

arma 2 needs to be at 1.11 get it here http://www.arma2.com/index.php?option=com_rokdownloads&view=file&Itemid=20&id=777%3Aarma2-patch-1〈=en

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I'll try some of the fixes you suggested now. I'm running the retail version of the game btw. I don't know if it makes a difference as opposed to running the steam version.

According to the Day Z commander my Arma is up to date listing the numbers 100296 and Day Z is

I installed the most recent beta patch although an error poped up saying the program may have not been installed properly for some reason but I don't think its a problem. Im downloading and installing the most recent patch for Arma 2 from 1.05 to 1.11 and hopefully thats all enough to get Day Z working properly. If not I'll try the MS Hotfix.

Edited by ExecutiveAction

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So, I installed the Arma beta patch and updated the game again. Still got kicked. I than insalled the MS Hotfix which seemed to run its course and install properly and once again tried to join a server. I'm still getting kicked. When I join a server I just get a simple, You've been kicked from the game message and thats all now. I tried using the Day Z commander to reinstall everything once again and still nothing. This is becoming moe trouble than its worth. I've never actually been able to even play the Day Z mod whatsoever. Anyone have any new ideas?


I think I may have figured out part of the problem. When following instructions to install Day Z they leave out the part about updating your Arma 2:OA. I suppose the assume that you already have your base game squared away and that you didn't just buy it for the Day Z mod alone. I noticed that my Arma 2:CO was running at version 1.50 and it should be a 1.62. I now am downloading two game updates, the update from 1.50 to 1.60, and the update from 1.60 to 1.62 which also updates your Arma 2 to 1.11. Hopefully this works. Heres the link in case anyone else needs to update theirs.


As my game is updating from 1.50 to 1.60 I am also noticing that a lot of the pbo files that were said to be missing are now being downloaded with the update. I'm pretty confident that this will sort it all out. I'm just hoping that installing the beta patch before having the game fully updated won't be a problem.


I'm in! It worked and Im playing. Thank God cause if this didn't work I was done. After all of that it turned out just to be that my game client was outdated. For anyone having the same problem as me just make sure you fully update your ARMA games first!! Thank you all for your help.

Edited by ExecutiveAction
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