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Beck (DayZ)

[BP] Beck's Privateers [New] [Recruiting]

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In game name: alQaedaHunter

Position: Rifleman or Machine Gunner

Past experience: played for a couple weeks

Microphone: Yes

Teamspeak: Yes

Link to steam account: llamapalooza15

played with you guys earlier

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alQaedaHunter: Approved, welcome to the privateers. Join our teamspeak server @

Make sure you have read our rules.

New name should be [bP] alQaedaHunter


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Can I join? Please I cant get a microphone! Please can you just accept me?

Ingame name; Harvey

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Harvey: Unfortunately we can't take the risk of allowing members without microphones, its a huge liability when we are in combat.


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In Game Name: steven

Position (Sniper, Rifleman, Machine Gunner, Medic): Any, don't mind

Past experience (Ranges from past clans, time playing DayZ, real life military experience): Only have played with friends, since July 2012. Recently started again.

Microphone (Yes/No): yes

Teamspeak (Yes/No): yes

Link to steam account (Optional): ts

Guid (Optional for when I get XML): ts

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steven: Approved, welcome to the privateers. Join our teamspeak server @

Make sure you have read our rules.

New name should be [bP] steven


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In Game Name:


Position (Sniper, Rifleman, Machine Gunner, Medic):

I would prefer Rifleman or Medic but any is good really.

Past Experience (Ranges from past clans, time playing DayZ, real life military experience):

Never been in a clan. I have been playing for at least 7 months. Not military experience but I part of the scouts so minor survival experience is there.

Microphone (Yes/No):


Teamspeak (Yes/No):

No, will be getting it if I am accepted into this clan, but will probably get it if I am not anyway.

Link to Steam account (Optional):

I can't remember my steam account password to login to the online steam store but my steam account is mr_catface if you want to look for it.

GUID (Optional):

Sorry, don't know it.

*Edit* I would like to learn how to use a sniper rifle and I have just downloaded and installed the Team Speak client.

Edited by MrCatface

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MrCatface: Approved, welcome to the privateers. Join our teamspeak server @

Make sure you have read our rules.

New name should be [bP] MrCatface


Please be sure to apply to this server. We are currently occupying a faction on the server, make sure you read ALL the rules.


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