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Beck (DayZ)

[BP] Beck's Privateers [New] [Recruiting]

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Hey BarsyB, if you want to join us you will need to wear our clan tag [bP]. So it is required that you wear our tag, and no others. If you can wear our clan tag then your application is accepted.


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Captain_Crumpet: Approved, welcome to the privateers. Join our teamspeak server @

Make sure you have read our rules.

Good to have you on the team, pinkie.

PS: The link to steam account wasn't a (yes/no) question, but that's okay.


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BarsyB: Approved, welcome to the privateers. Join our teamspeak server @

Make sure you have read our rules.

Barsy your 2 friends from [EW] are free to join the privateers if they are interested. It's good to have you on the team.

New name should be [bP] John


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All positions are available!

Edited by Beck

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Position (Sniper, Rifleman, Machine Gunner, Medic): Everything :D, prefer Sniper

Past experience (Ranges from past clans, time playing DayZ, real life military experience):Lots of FPS experience, played Dayz for 2 weeks

Microphone (Yes/No): Yes

Teamspeak (Yes/No): Yes

Link to steam account (Optional): http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197974847806/

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In Game Name: Sley

Position (Sniper, Rifleman, Machine Gunner, Medic): Sniper or Rifleman; Medic can work too tho I never experienced that before (I mean I did treat ppl n such but I never was officially classed as a medic, we used to have blood-bags, morphine, epi-pen on each one of us, etc..)

Past experience (Ranges from past clans, time playing DayZ, real life military experience): Been playing with a group of 5 friends from IRL, we had sort of private clan of bandits; played DayZ for couple of months though I got back from quitting, not much of military experience tho I played Arma for a while.. I know a bit about formations n such.

Microphone (Yes/No): Yes

Teamspeak (Yes/No): Yes

Guid (Optional for when I get XML):

Additional details: Skype: proguitar13

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Shirovorg: Approved, welcome to the privateers. Join our teamspeak server @

Make sure you have read our rules.

New name should be [bP] Shirovorg



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Sley: Approved, welcome to the privateers. Join our teamspeak server @

Make sure you have read our rules.

New name should be [bP] Sley


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In Game Name: MisterProPants

Position (Sniper, Rifleman, Machine Gunner, Medic): Rifleman/Medic whatever is needed from me at the time, I'm pretty flexible.

Past experience (Ranges from past clans, time playing DayZ, real life military experience): Played DayZ for about 6 months now, mainly played in small groups or solo.

Microphone (Yes/No): Yes

Teamspeak (Yes/No): Yes

Link to steam account (Optional): http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198022593824

Edited by MisterProPants
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MisterProPants: Approved, welcome to the privateers. Join our teamspeak server @

Make sure you have read our rules.

New name should be [bP] MisterProPants


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In Game Name: tAiNtD

Position : Filler - Anything that is required

Past experience (Ranges from past clans, time playing DayZ, real life military experience): Im new to the game. Iv only played a couple of dayz.

Microphone (Yes/No): Yes

Teamspeak (Yes/No): Yes

Link to steam account (Optional): Name: Will provide in TS

Guid (Optional for when I get XML): Will provide in TS

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tAiNtD: Approved, welcome to the privateers. Join our teamspeak server @

Make sure you have read our rules.

New name should be [bP] tAiNtD


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In Game Name: xHAWKEYEx

Position: Sniper/Rifleman (i have alot of expierience with sniping)

Past experience: 1st Marine Division, Designated Marksman

Microphone: Yes

Teamspeak: Yes


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xHAWKEYEx: Approved, welcome to the privateers. Join our teamspeak server @

Make sure you have read our rules.

New name should be [bP] xHAWKEYEx


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In Game Name:Shane814

Position (Sniper, Rifleman, Machine Gunner, Medic):Sniper

Past experience (Ranges from past clans, time playing DayZ, real life military experience): Played Dayz for 4months straight, got off it, now im back.

Microphone (Yes/No):YES

Teamspeak (Yes/No)YES

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Shane814: Approved, welcome to the privateers. Join our teamspeak server @

Make sure you have read our rules.

New name should be [bP] Shane814


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