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We're Nuts Chernarus [Active Admin Staff] [200+ vehicles] [Custom Map Design] [Additional Weapons Added] [Custom Scripts]

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  On 2/20/2013 at 5:09 PM, Cpl. Mitchell said:

nevermind i crashed it lol

That's what most people do with them.

I'll see what I can do about the refueling scripts.

Edited by weld
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so i updated all my stuff and get to playing. been playing for a bit when i realize i havent seen a heli crash the whole time......start looking hard for them and i find one. no smoke coming off it so it was dificult to see. get there and no lootz. get in and fly some more, find another one. no smoke and no lootz. im the only one on the server so i think maybe it hadnt spawned yet so i fly to the first one. no smoke and no lootz. i wait by it for 5 mins and check again. still no lootz. hit the second and the same.

So not sure if the new update broke em just letting you know.

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Yeah I had the same issue. I'll be checking but it does seem like the update broke them.

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I'm working on getting access to the current PBO so I can fix some things.

On a side note, people crash helicopters all over the place. This is a really sad log.

Hopefully I can get refueling scripts done so we can avoid this fate.

Edited by weld

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hell yeah that would be great. i spent an hour out of two and a half just on refueling the other night lol.then i took off this morning and hit a tree lol oops my bad

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oh just a heads up team [FAITH] and the We're Nuts server got a youtube shout out today. Campaign Junkie 001 is the guy

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hey weld so heli crashes are smoking again but still no lootz. also i was on last night and a few people were wondering if you were going to bring the debug window back. i was wondering this also cause i like to see my stats. let me know buddy

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hey weld was on esterday and today the heli sights are brocken no loots spawning on them but not a big deal just letting you know whats up hows that refueling script comming ?

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Refueling is working now - scroll near a gas station pump to activate. I haven't tested it with a chopper but I think you can land on the overhang.

Should have chopper loot fixed soon.

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Also you can see your kills and such if you press the Insert key.

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weld did you add new guns? found a FN FAL and a G36c today never seen them on here before. just a wondering

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It is with sadness that I make this announcement.

I will be closing the server at the end of this month. The traffic and my availability have both been so low that it just isn't feasible to keep it running any longer.

Sorry to those who have built bases and whatnot - due to some health issues I have not been available to play but a few hours over the past month or so and have had little time to work out server-related issues like I had hoped.

All good things must come to an end.

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