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About campaign_junkie

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. campaign_junkie

    Axe Battle - Boxing Death

    always the friendly, i get pushed to the edge and decide to take my life in my own hands.... my own.. lethal.. hands....
  2. campaign_junkie


    Thank you for the beans, and I have to agree, its losing its appeal without new stuff, no cars, no choppers, nothing new to find... but its fun doing this ... I try to keep it interesting by running around naked...
  3. campaign_junkie


    So I just wanted to see how long I could go without pants, and try to stay alive, apparently there are a lot of sadists out there..
  4. campaign_junkie


    I try and be nice and it gets me alot further than i thought it was going to get me
  5. campaign_junkie


    My attempt to go gun free and try to trade books I have found for real gear...I last much.. MUCH longer than I thought I would
  6. So my friends are slowly scrounging up their money and buying this version of the standalone. So far only three have come together with an eventual 10-12 more on the way... If we were friendly, it would be a force for good.. i have no idea how this is going to turn out... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0Iroj0-Dhg
  7. Thanks, I felt bad, but laugh at the most inappropriate times... like when i see midgets, or crash my friends favorite littlebird
  8. My clan-mate Tom decided he was going to do some tricks and while I bailed sensing an impending crash, it seems I actually caused the crash... Poor Tom, while sad, it was pretty funny... Note to self, if you eject from a moving Littlebird, you kill it... and most likely the pilot... this doesnt happen with other vehicles does it?
  9. campaign_junkie

    Dayz Youtube Commentators?

    Mine would probably fall into your definition of boring with just things to do and the occational gunfight. Personally, Ive gotten away from FrankieonPC because he stages his encounters but I do enjoy Squirrelsnutz Sacriel42 and DevildogGamer
  10. campaign_junkie

    NPCs in game are no joke

    we play on the Dayz247 server im not sure of the IP but if you put that in your filter you should be able to locate it fairly quickly
  11. campaign_junkie

    NPCs in game are no joke

    Ive had requests from both sides to shorten it and to show even the boring parts... maybe i should do both with a highlight reel at the end of the week .. just a 5 min action set kind of thing. Thanks again for the suggestion.
  12. campaign_junkie

    NPCs in game are no joke

    So my group has been going around to different servers and we have found one in particular that has NPCs all over the map, and trust me, it makes for interesting times.. Not only are you advancing on some great loot, avoiding hostile players and zombies everywhere, but these NPCs are crackshots... as my buddy Mitchell soon finds out. Good times had by all, hope to see you on Dayz247!
  13. campaign_junkie

    Looking for a team

    We have a small group now, and we film our adventures.. for the most part its all about helping new players, hunting down bandits and ultimately having a good time... just found a server filled with NPCs so its pretty challenging.. you should come check it out Dayz247 server
  14. campaign_junkie

    Crooked Admins!?!? Say it aint so...

    Thank you for posting that, I wasnt sure how to put a photo in the forum, so as you saw, I just dropped in a link..
  15. campaign_junkie

    Crooked Admins!?!? Say it aint so...

    These servers sound great, my group and I will look forward to checking each of them out to see if it fits with our youtube format... We have accepted the fact that eventually we will be found and robbed, but an Admin that harrasses their players is just committing server suicide...