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NEW! Namalsk Happy Endings part duex!

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Hey everyone! The happy endings server has been remade and the admins are just as vigilant against hackers as always!

Features as of now:

- Bloodsuckers

- Blowouts (EVR)

- Multiple squads already on the server.

We have Admins on all the time and checking logs. You can feel free to message me for hackers and their names so we can keep tabs on foul play.


- No voice chat in side channel, and no intel at all! (This means locations of vehicles, loot, and players) Use direct chat when talking through VOIP, and whatever intel you want with that only. You will be kicked immediately by an admin if caught.

Any questions just message me.

We want a fun game where heroes and bandits can live as they please.


Veteran: CH-ON 3rd:-ON

Edited by Arbalestc

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We are currently working on more vehicles.

Custom vehicle spawns are to come in the near future.

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