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My ZeroSurvival.com experience.

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So. Me and a friend were tired of playing our own server so we decided to find a nice little private hive to play on. I came across Zero Survival "The Ray Mears Experience" <-- I don't know why they had that in the title.. "Active and Honest Admins" anyways. So, I jump on. Got whitelisted from their forum/website. See that they have a pretty nice custom loot pool, custom buildings blah blah. I played for a few hours, got geared up. Met some nice people. Until I played properly today, we were killed by a squad of players who just happened to have admins in the group. I think one of the admins goes by the name of Seaweed.. anyway, they were flying around in a plane all day killing noob spawns. We accept our defeat and forget about it. There is a few disagreements in the side channel. So me and my buddy decided to cut our losses and run North and gear up instead. Just acting like idiots with Winchesters, as you do, we made our way to Stary. Started to loot the tents there when out of nowhere. BANG dead. BANG dead. Commence WTF's? in side chat and a whole lot of e-penis boasting by the admin and his buddies calling us shit. Something wasn't right. There were like 5 people online and no one was in Stary when we entered. We didn't hear any plane either... I'll cut to the chase and stop ranting on..

They just so happened to link me to their stream.


1 hour 5 mins roughly in. You can notice one of them saying how the map is acting messed up and he can't make sense of it. Then brags about killing people and NE, Cherno, Stary. Obviously using the admin map tool..

You can rewind further to decipher their intentions yourself though.

Skip to 1 hour and 14 minutes in. This is just a bit after we got killed the first time. They had muted their Teamspeak for video purposes and you notice the streamer "Elite" place a map marker directly on Stary tents (Oh how convienient). Omen says.. "Too high in the fog to be able to see 'em." They see us. Glide, land. Wait, and kill.

Some of you may not give a damn about what I have to tell you. I'd just thought I'd share my shit experience on this server and how awful the admins really are.

Edited by Scrullet

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Watched the Vid, never flew the plane before but gotta say its a little suspicous he glided for so long unpowered.

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I just wanted to warn people that ever see this server pop up on DayZ commander that you're gunna experience a crappy time playing there.

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Server admins looked like kids. >_> Anyway, yeah that looked pretty damn suspicious 2 me as well. Sorry bro, some server admins abuse power & it sucks. My group is looking for a good server to join as well....hopefully your group shall find one.

I was running a public server but it ended up getting lots of hackers >_> & was a bit too much to constantly be watching. We did also have a private server but no1 joined it.

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The reason you didn't hear the plane was because the Biplane can glide for quite a distance with engines off.

A skilled pilot can even land with the engines off as well(I've seen this first-hand in-game). I'm a regular on that server, and I have never seen any instances of admin abuse. Quite a bit of them raping people legit, but never any abuse as far as I can tell. Likely they just spotted your/your zombie's perf-dots while gliding, landed w/o engines and got the drop on you yet again. It happens, it sucks, but that's DayZ. No need to go accusing the admins of foul-play. Just suck it up and get back in the game.

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So. Me and a friend were tired of playing our own server so we decided to find a nice little private hive to play on. I came across Zero Survival "The Ray Mears Experience" <-- I don't know why they had that in the title.. "Active and Honest Admins" anyways. So, I jump on. Got whitelisted from their forum/website. See that they have a pretty nice custom loot pool, custom buildings blah blah. I played for a few hours, got geared up. Met some nice people. Until I played properly today, we were killed by a squad of players who just happened to have admins in the group. I think one of the admins goes by the name of Seaweed.. anyway, they were flying around in a plane all day killing noob spawns. We accept our defeat and forget about it. There is a few disagreements in the side channel. So me and my buddy decided to cut our losses and run North and gear up instead. Just acting like idiots with Winchesters, as you do, we made our way to Stary. Started to loot the tents there when out of nowhere. BANG dead. BANG dead. Commence WTF's? in side chat and a whole lot of e-penis boasting by the admin and his buddies calling us shit. Something wasn't right. There were like 5 people online and no one was in Stary when we entered. We didn't hear any plane either... I'll cut to the chase and stop ranting on..

They just so happened to link me to their stream.


1 hour 5 mins roughly in. You can notice one of them saying how the map is acting messed up and he can't make sense of it. Then brags about killing people and NE, Cherno, Stary. Obviously using the admin map tool..

You can rewind further to decipher their intentions yourself though.

Skip to 1 hour and 14 minutes in. This is just a bit after we got killed the first time. They had muted their Teamspeak for video purposes and you notice the streamer "Elite" place a map marker directly on Stary tents (Oh how convienient). Omen says.. "Too high in the fog to be able to see 'em." They see us. Glide, land. Wait, and kill.

Some of you may not give a damn about what I have to tell you. I'd just thought I'd share my shit experience on this server and how awful the admins really are.

Tis the drawback of private servers. You have to try and find one with decent admins. I too had issues such as this in the past, got on a server for 3 or 4 weeks and same kind of stuff started happening. It seems like its either deal with the hackers in global servers, or many times admins that aren't much better in private servers.

At any rate, if you are still looking for a server, still trying to build up the server I recently started running. Currently only have 4 or 5 fairly regular night time (us) players, I try to be as active as possible, but until the server gets built up some more and I find a few people I can trust its just me as admin (though I am off and on throughout the day, and available 6 to 8 hours at night). Have loads of veh, heli and planes along with custom military bases built for looting (watch out going into some of these if more than one persion, it can get out of hand =)

If you want to stop by and poke around sometime, just search dayz247, should be the only result.

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