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Tell me your stupidest death stories...

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Ok so im in Electro right, Akm, Alice pack, just gotten a few other goodies. And im camping out the supermarket, one thing leads to another and im fighting more zombies than i could count, no problems right akm 1 shot kill basically, so im dropping them left and right and this one bastard somehow gets behind me (morphed throught the frozen section to behind the cash register which I was inbetween fighting them come through the front door. *Wack* and im unconscious. But i got lucky for some reason they leave me alone and im thinking ok im lucky... I wait the five minutes wake up and switch my akm to full auto (dumb idea I know but sometimes anger gets the best of us) and i give these zombies a three course helping of lead, they all drop and I start to get up to bandage myself and unbeknowest to me there has been a survivor just chilling watching all of this go on, at which times he deams it good and well enough to shoot me in the head. Respawn, I happen to be like two clicks north of electro in the woods and I decide to go back, well as much as I would have liked to go on my marry way i wanted my stuff back, and i can see the guy still in the supermarket going through my things so i quickly run back to the market and somehow manage to get within like three feet of the guy without him noticing me, instead of exacting revenge hatchet style i decide to announce myself, "maybe he shot me thinking id shoot him", i call out and he starts looking around I tell him position and salute him to show Im not joking he walks up to I guess check my pack and a zombie again from fucking behind ! breaks my legs and knocks me out again, The guy then proceed to make me think he is saving me by bandaging me and then carrying me out into a field only to go afk with me locked in his clutches.... I waited for 20 minutes trying to get away before i left, only to come back to the Your dead screen like a hour later.

Edited by Drewbiezy
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Ok so im in Electro right, Akm, Alice pack, just gotten a few other goodies. And im camping out the supermarket, one thing leads to another and im fighting more zombies than i could count, no problems right akm 1 shot kill basically, so im dropping them left and right and this one bastard somehow gets behind me (morphed throught the frozen section to behind the cash register which I was inbetween fighting them come through the front door. *Wack* and im unconscious. But i got lucky for some reason they leave me alone and im thinking ok im lucky... I wait the five minutes wake up and switch my akm to full auto (dumb idea I know but sometimes anger gets the best of us) and i give these zombies a three course helping of lead, they all drop and I start to get up to bandage myself and unbeknowest to me there has been a survivor just chilling watching all of this go on, at which times he deams it good and well enough to shoot me in the head. Respawn, I happen to be like two clicks north of electro in the woods and I decide to go back, well as much as I would have liked to go on my marry way i wanted my stuff back, and i can see the guy still in the supermarket going through my things so i quickly run back to the market and somehow manage to get within like three feet of the guy without him noticing me, instead of exacting revenge hatchet style i decide to announce myself, "maybe he shot me thinking id shoot him", i call out and he starts looking around I tell him position and salute him to show Im not joking he walks up to I guess check my pack and a zombie again from fucking behind ! breaks my legs and knocks me out again, The guy then proceed to make me think he is saving me by bandaging me and then carrying me out into a field only to go afk with me locked in his clutches.... I waited for 20 minutes trying to get away before i left, only to come back to the Your dead screen like a hour later.

Haha, isn't the AKM one of the loudest rifles too?

Making things alot worse for yourself there, especially in somewhere like Elektro! ;)

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After about 30 minutes I finally meet up with my friend. We regrouped, settled our supplies and take off. Then there must have been a nice gust of wind because my character flew a good 70 feet into the air and graciously spattered into the pavement on the Cherno docs.

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When I was flying my first heli and did a backflip into the ground when I seen another huey in the hanger.

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I suppose, my system lacks speakers so I havent really been able to use hearing to my aid yet lol. But good to know.

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"Anyone In Cherno?" :blink:

You can guess the rest.

Yep, pretty much says it all!

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Admin started to shoot me, I shot back, made him uncounsious, then he was eated by zeds.

And after that, with a broken leg I crawled out of the pub and got ran over by an offroader...

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Admin started to shoot me, I shot back, made him uncounsious, then he was eated by zeds.

And after that, with a broken leg I crawled out of the pub and got ran over by an offroader...

So close and yet so far!

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tried to drop a guy off the hospital roof when i pressed a button (still not sure what i pressed) and started to change sides of the body resulting in me not being able to stop my guy from positioning himself off the roof.... 2 second drop and dead. What an idiot

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I wouldent trade my freind my Mountain DEWZZZ so he shot me in the head with a revolver and left the skype chat. Like dafuq up with him

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I was in NWAF, pretty geared up. My friend told me to run to the other side of the Airfield to the firestation, i had a ton of zombies following me so I ran into the firestation and I think it's a great idea to toss a frag grenade, I couldn't get away fast enough and I was killed by my own frag. Bad times.... Bad times.

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I was in NWAF, pretty geared up. My friend told me to run to the other side of the Airfield to the firestation, i had a ton of zombies following me so I ran into the firestation and I think it's a great idea to toss a frag grenade, I couldn't get away fast enough and I was killed by my own frag. Bad times.... Bad times.

I did similar, I had a truck full of supplies too, I parked it up and went on a loot run, came back with about 20 zombies on me, threw nade, didn't go far enough and killed myself and the truck, at least nobody else could have taken the loot ;)

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I used to play on a private hive server which was a very friendly one, most were nice to each other, so I teamed up quite a lot. This worked pretty well for a few weeks, until a cheater went mad, broke everyone’s legs and somehow screwed up the server in a way no one was able to join after that.

So I started on another server an still was in friendly mode. I ran into Cherno, found an alice pack, some water, food, a map and a hatchet and just was upon leaving as I saw that house I just wanted to check. Okay, I stood up, run to that house, turned around and chopped the horde of Zeds that was behind me. I crouched into the room to the right an saw this survivor dude looting a pile of merely half interesting gear. His back was turned to me, he couldn't see me. So I just stood a bit nearby a few seconds without thinking any bad. Then the guy turned around and immediately switched to panic mode. He started chopping me and my character started screaming and bleeding and I thought, “Shit, well, should I type sth friendly? Maybe running away? Aww, I don't lose any super rare gear. It doesn't really matter. I'm just at the start. As he is. He probably just stops chopping soon. Because he realizes, I don't do anything. Not defending myself. Not even stepping aside.”. This were the last thoughts of my character. He didn't stop, panic mode was stronger, I died.

But I couldn't be really sad about it. I respawned once more in Cherno, this time on the other site of the town. I run to my dead cold body, which still was there, as I left it, completely unlooted. The survivor was gone. He already left the crime scene. I had the feeling that he was very sorry. Maybe he felt like he made a very bad decission. So I grabbed my stuff, left Cherno and this was the beginning of a 25 day life, until it ended driving my tractor against a hay roll because I was gaping out of the window on my left, instead of the direction I drove.

Edited by Ken Bean

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Some guy said he wanted Morphine in NWAF, and naturally, me and a friend, being inquisitive fools, went. Now, you probably know how this is going to end. You sir are wrong.

We went to the west side and watched the fire station with binoculars. We spotted the guy "Who shot him". But then, the guy we were there to help pops up on the very top of the fire station. We just knew it was a trap.

My friend snuck around the back while I watched them, with my Double-Barrel Shotgun at hand, preparing to take random pot shots. My friend got into the fire station so I sprinted across unopposed and started unloading on zombies. I then climbed the ladder around the back, headshotted the first guy, and then grenade spammed the top of the tower. He was dead.

We celebrated, we taunted, and we of course received rage from both victims of our genius plan. We even posed on top of the fire station for a mandatory screenshot. We were happy, like children, surrounded by zombies and bodies.

I ran across to the northern barracks, as my friend had gone that way. I saw him running towards me, so I stopped.

It wasn't him.

My non-combat stupid death has to be when me and the same friend had a Hilux, full of SVD Camos and DMRs, that we'd "Acquired" from a bandit's car who was sniping at cherno, (who stores 2 of the same gun in one place? Really?) and we were flooring it away in the Hilux. I can remember saying "Wow. We're doing great" to him, as we had already had a bounty of loot from various sources, and even had an aeroplane joy ride ending in an extreme base jump onto Solnichy petrol station. I then crashed into a fence. 5 seconds later, it explodes. End of 24 day life.

It was only at Prigo though. No biggy,

Edited by Thumbs_of_Fury

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All of mine would involve a barn staircase and my incapability to take my time.

Hahaha you took the words right out of my mouth! That was my story also, and it is something I've done multiple times as well

Edited by RTCsFinest
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