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Falcon Inc. [Clan] Recruitment

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Falcon Inc. is a clan where casual and hardcore gamers meet to play DayZ in an organised yet enjoyable fashion.

Typical Day:

We all log into Skype and start a group call, we'd then search for a server which will give us the best tactical advantage, then we'd plot out our journey and goals for the day. After completing our goals we'd end the session at 2.am or before if it's an in-connivance.


There is only one vacancy for the following roles:

[General] (Taken) - Leader of the party.

[Medic] - Heals the party.

[sniper] - Remains hidden from the party to protect and relay Intel about our surroundings.

[scout] - Remains at the front of the group scouting places before allowing the party to loot.

[Tank] - A heavily geared veteran of DayZ whom remains the main fire power for the party.

[Navigator] - Plans routes for the party and sets our destination.

[backpacker] - Collects selected loot and transports luggage back to base.

[Pilot] - Pilots vehicles.

[intelligence Officer] - This role is for lone wolfs, Intelligence Officer player will wonder areas away from the party and relay Intel about loot/possible base location/bandits etc.

Time Zone:


Recruitment Form:

To join Falcon Inc. you must complete this form in it's original layout.



Role applying for:

Why you'd fit the role:



Before sign-up Info:

-Do not apply if you are under/or 13 years of age.

-Do not apply if you are not available at-least twice per week.

-Do not apply if you cannot speak fluent English.

-Do not sign up if you do not have a working microphone.

-Do not sign up if you can not follow orders.

-Do not sign up if you're annoying.

-Do not sign up if you do not want to share loot.

Current Members:

Geko - [General]

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Name: Danny O'brien

Age: 15

Role applying for:Tank

Why you'd fit the role: ive played the game since july and i never leave home with out a LMG

Availability: for a couple oh hrs of the weekdays expect on monday or tuesday but free on the weekends


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Role applying for:Recon,CQB

Why you'd fit the role:Cause I would like to have fun and I am serious and know the roles well

Availability:2 times a week

Skype:Pancake Waffle

Edited by GeneralPancake

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I noticed that you, General Pancake, posted on another clans recruitment thread saying this.

"Don't join this clan they are a bunch of faggots banning me for not being (15) which I was well fuck them better get a life bunch of faggots not even respectful and nice!"

I personally would not join a clan with someone who goes around on forums with an attitude like this. You say they are not respectful yet YOU are the one to call them "faggots" and to tell them to get lives. If you were mature you would have just left the clan and not insulted them on their forum post, or atleast make a respectful post that doesn't address the clan as "faggots". The last thing you should have done was tried to join another clan, your fellow clan members will receive the same treatment you have given anyone else. If you accept GeneralPancake as a member in this clan, please expect to get called a faggot and told to get a life.

Edited by Beck
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Name: Julien


Role applying for: Pilot,sniper or general

Why you'd fit the role: I'm playing for more then 5-6 monts, I would like to have fun but in the same time be serious.

Availability: 5 hrs per day and 5days on 7


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Role applying for:Navigator,General,Sniper,Intelligence officer Pick which one you want me in ;D

Why you'd fit the role:I love playing in groups and have been playing for 2 weeks

Availability:2 days a week weekends 12:00 PM eastern 4:00 pm

Skype:General General General Moo Moo Moo

Or try


Edited by MattTheIphoneDude

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Age: 14

Role applying for: Scout

Why you'd fit the role: Because this is what i'd normally do when playing

Availability: Most days

Skype: callum.lev

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I noticed that you, General Pancake, posted on another clans recruitment thread saying this.

"Don't join this clan they are a bunch of faggots banning me for not being (15) which I was well fuck them better get a life bunch of faggots not even respectful and nice!"

I personally would not join a clan with someone who goes around on forums with an attitude like this. You say they are not respectful yet YOU are the one to call them "faggots" and to tell them to get lives. If you were mature you would have just left the clan and not insulted them on their forum post, or atleast make a respectful post that doesn't address the clan as "faggots". The last thing you should have done was tried to join another clan, your fellow clan members will receive the same treatment you have given anyone else. If you accept GeneralPancake as a member in this clan, please expect to get called a faggot and told to get a life.

I am the owner of the "faggots" that he is referring to and we believed he was not 15 due to the severe high pitch in his voice he also fabricates stories like in one instance he said he was logging in not a second after that he starting yelling "get on the ground drop your gun and your backpack." The.n his DayZ supposedly lagged, he then went to say he was fixing it for 5 minutes said he was working on it and yelled get Down on the ground again, we all know that the chance if that guy still being there is VERY low, then he did it a third time. From thre on he has done similar things, and he supposedly had played DayZ for 3 months but didn't know any of the basics, when I asked him why he put 3 months when he didn't know half the basics he said he played arma 2 for 3 months not DayZ when in the application format it asks how long you have played DayZ this also goes to show either he lied or can't read simple instructions. After we kicked him out due to many annoyances and these lies. He messages me the following:


GeneralPancake has sent you a new personal conversation entitled "Fuck you faggot".

GeneralPancake said:


I am 15 so go fuck yourself motherfucking cocksucking bitch stop whining motherfucker fuck you I hope you rott in hell and your mother and dad dies and ALL your friends go fuck yourself in the fucking ASSHOLE


I think he would not be a good member to your clan nor to anyone else, thank you beck for also warning these people.

P.S. my father is already dead he died slowly because he had cancer on his death bed he was fighting not to die until they promised they would take care of me. I suggest you watch who you say that stuff to.

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Name: Julien


Role applying for: Pilot,sniper or general

Why you'd fit the role: I'm playing for more then 5-6 monts, I would like to have fun but in the same time be serious.

Availability: 5 hrs per day and 5days on 7


I'm in or what ? :D

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Name - Alex

Role applying for - Intelligence officer

Reason - Ive always been on my own kinda like a spec ops guy its how i normally play the game scouting alone.

my skype - hawky-x

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Name: Ben

Age: 14

Role applying for: Scout, Sniper, Navigator, Pilot, Medic, Tank, Backpacker.

Why i'd fit the role: Like a wide variation of classes, Like to Scout and like team play.

Availability: 3-5 Week Days, All weekend

Skype: shortninja12

Steam: shortninja12 / sninja12

Hope I get in :)

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I am the owner of the "faggots" that he is referring to and we believed he was not 15 due to the severe high pitch in his voice he also fabricates stories like in one instance he said he was logging in not a second after that he starting yelling "get on the ground drop your gun and your backpack." The.n his DayZ supposedly lagged, he then went to say he was fixing it for 5 minutes said he was working on it and yelled get Down on the ground again, we all know that the chance if that guy still being there is VERY low, then he did it a third time. From thre on he has done similar things, and he supposedly had played DayZ for 3 months but didn't know any of the basics, when I asked him why he put 3 months when he didn't know half the basics he said he played arma 2 for 3 months not DayZ when in the application format it asks how long you have played DayZ this also goes to show either he lied or can't read simple instructions. After we kicked him out due to many annoyances and these lies. He messages me the following:


GeneralPancake has sent you a new personal conversation entitled "Fuck you faggot".

GeneralPancake said:


I am 15 so go fuck yourself motherfucking cocksucking bitch stop whining motherfucker fuck you I hope you rott in hell and your mother and dad dies and ALL your friends go fuck yourself in the fucking ASSHOLE


I think he would not be a good member to your clan nor to anyone else, thank you beck for also warning these people.

P.S. my father is already dead he died slowly because he had cancer on his death bed he was fighting not to die until they promised they would take care of me. I suggest you watch who you say that stuff to.

I'm pretty sure if you summed up everything he has done and provided some evidence, you could easily get him banned from the forums for a bit.

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Name: Hayden

Age: 16

Role applying for: sniping./scout I enjoy both overlooking whilst the squad loots and scouting future places for looting

Why you'd fit the role: I kinda said why above, but I really enjoys sniping/recon but hate playing on my lonesome.

Availability: eh ermm probs every day after school 4-10 and most weekends, but I have exams soon so its flexible

Skype: hayden.taylor8

Edited by MrGamingRabbit

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Name: Derek

Age: 15

Role: intelligence officer

Why? I am confident that I know most of the loot spawns in many towns of Chernarus. I am capable of spotting bandits that might be running around town.

Availability: Most dayz of the week and I will stay up to late hours on weekend nights.

Time zone: EST


Will we be playing on Chernarus? If so public or private hive?

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