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Banned on multiple servers

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ive been noticing something weird every time i try to play now.

first happened a few days back when i decided to use Shift Left click to mark the places i wanted to go i marked them and started headed over there by running "didnt have a car at the time" and then i got banned for TP

which confuses me cause i didnt teleport i just marked the place i wanted to go.

several servers did this to me to and today i got banned for the same thing i set a mark on the map started to fly over there in a mini helicopter and got banned for tp... what is going on that is causing this? D: is the map off limits on servers now?

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It helps if you provide the server details in the title so that an admin has a better chance of seeing your thread.

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well thats just it it has been alot of them i dont remember which ones i played most of the times i try to play a server get disconnected then use multiplayer menu from there so its not on my dayz commander history

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Try and pick servers that have thier own forums. Then if you get banned just go to that forum and ask for details. Always be polite and Never be abusive or demanding.

If it has happened on several servers there might be something suspicious running in the background on your PC.

Do you share your computer with anyone else?

What is the ban message you recieve? Is it an auto response or is it an actual admin banning you. Normally if it's an admin you might get a human response like (stop teleporting you numpty)

Also a list of servers you have been banned from would be nice

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it only says TP or Hackeditems/TP and sometimes one that is like perm Teleportation and no im the only one that uses it or well the only one that plays games its always a different message but i can still play all the other servers

i really cant remember which servers were which since they usually have long names D: im sorry

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If they are public servers then most of them start like "UK 222" or "NL 234"

Try to play on those kinds of servers for a lower chance of admin abuse.

You could always ask an admin to monitor your logs. A good public server will have active and helpful admins with either thier own forum or Teamspeak Channel or both!

If you are genuinely not hacking the logs might indicate what you are doing wrong.

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well it was both servers that said private hive and also numbered servers like your first example but i just cant remember which

still i hate it that i get banned for TP when im running all over the place also putting it out there those servers ive been on have also been attacked by hackers who love to mass TP

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Ah okay, are you saying you have been banned after a mass teleport then?

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well im going to go to sleep now hopefully this gets sorted out once i remember the servers XD... thank you for your help

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well im going to go to sleep now hopefully this gets sorted out once i remember the servers XD... thank you for your help

Hi, if you're looking for a nice server to play DayZ then apply to the BALOTA BUDDIES whitelisted servers. They have servers in US, UK and AUS.

They run a couple of different maps and its a great community.

Apply here http://www.balotabuddies.net and get whitelisted!

Best community to play DayZ! :thumbsup:

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