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Best places to pitch a tent/make a base?

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I have a question for people who stumble across the campsites of others. What is your motivation to blow up someone's camp site? Wouldn't it make more sense to keep that site around, so that you could go back to it in the future to get more supplies? I know where several campsites are that aren't mine, and I'd never even consider blowing them up. Why would I do that when I know where someone's base camp is, and I can raid it at will. I'm not greedy. I don't have to clean someone out. Just take what I need, or maybe upgrade a weapon and get out of dodge, checking back every couple days to see if there's any new goodies.

What good does it do to destroy a camp that was well stocked? You have now taken away a known stash location.

I'm not bitter that my site got destroyed. I didn't know how good or bad of a location it was when I set it up, as I'm new to the game, and later found several bases within a few hundred meters of my own. I just don't understand the logic behind why someone would do it. You get no personal benefit from it, and will very likely never know the reaction of the person who's base it was, so why do it?

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There is too many good places... Just don't put them near your vehicles...... There are some people that are able to find vehicles with ease.... so keep your tents away from them...........

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Crawl into black lake or any body of water ... i like pobeda dam ... set tent under water and out of sight ... little tip from uncle Rott.


Edited by Rott

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head approx 800m NW from cherno on a bearing of about 352 degrees, follow the hill up, cross over the dirt road and then cross through some random village (not even a village tbh, it has 3 buildings) then head either 400m W or E for some good elevated/ entreched natural formations perfect for hiding tents

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I got some tents that never were detected (as far as I can say from the stuff inside). Thought the spot was pretty obvious but it seems like nobody looks there. Pretty nice spot and enough room for at least 3 tents.

Well wh ere?

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I have a question for people who stumble across the campsites of others. What is your motivation to blow up someone's camp site? Wouldn't it make more sense to keep that site around, so that you could go back to it in the future to get more supplies? I know where several campsites are that aren't mine, and I'd never even consider blowing them up. Why would I do that when I know where someone's base camp is, and I can raid it at will. I'm not greedy. I don't have to clean someone out. Just take what I need, or maybe upgrade a weapon and get out of dodge, checking back every couple days to see if there's any new goodies.

What good does it do to destroy a camp that was well stocked? You have now taken away a known stash location.

I'm not bitter that my site got destroyed. I didn't know how good or bad of a location it was when I set it up, as I'm new to the game, and later found several bases within a few hundred meters of my own. I just don't understand the logic behind why someone would do it. You get no personal benefit from it, and will very likely never know the reaction of the person who's base it was, so why do it?

I personally blow them up so people don't hoard guns. I hardly play main hive I really only find camps on Lingor and they are usually a few vehicles in a poor hiding spot near each other full of guns. I take what I need and either drive the rest into water or if they are silly enough to leave frags or satchels I blow them up. If I had a camp and someone blew it up I wouldn't be mad but I would find a better place next time.

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Never mark your base on your map and call it loot..... several times I have killed a player and I loot thier map.... and their labels are on it . LOL

Unless someone is an idiot, they wouldn't do that... but I guess some people are just that inexperienced or dumb.

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I hid mine right outside of cherno. My own hidings spot. But it didn't get discovered for a few days

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I have a questions. If I pitch a tent, will it be at that location on just the server I was on or or will it exist across all servers? And for vehicles, is it just for the server you are on, and is there anything one needs to do to save them at that location?

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I have a questions. If I pitch a tent, will it be at that location on just the server I was on or or will it exist across all servers? And for vehicles, is it just for the server you are on, and is there anything one needs to do to save them at that location?

Only that exact server. Think what would happen if it was the same for all servers? And no, you don't need to save them anymore.

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I found a batch of tents in the 3 story construction just outside Cherno hidden back behind some cardboard boxes, I'd have never gone back there if I wasn't trying to ditch zeds. Pretty sneaky. I used some little town in the north like the others said, no one ever hits the town so my stuff has been safe.

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Read over everyone's suggestions carefully, then pick a spot that is far away from any of those places.

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I've had a lot of trial and error experience with campsites on Namalsk. That said, I had a camp with two tents for around half a month hidden in plain sight. The West point area--broadly speaking--is one of the best, but far off the beaten path if you are without a vehicle. Along the road to Western army checkpoint is another. I don't know if hackers/cheaters use ESP to find vehicles, but I have hidden cars and even a helicopter in places not visible from the air and well screened from roads, etc. and I think the longest I have had one is just a few days before it is discovered and "borrowed".

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