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AusDayZ (DayZ)

New DayZ 2017 Server

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Hey guys,

AusDayZ has put up a new DayZ 2017 server on our dedicated box.

We were interested in the mod and couldn't find a server with a decent ping so we thought we would throw one up!

Everyone is welcome, server is located in San Jose meaning ping is fine for AUS/NZ (the majority of our community).

To find it search ausdayz in dayz commander and pick the DayZ 2017 server or to connect directly:


Max Players: 50

Physical Server Location: San Jose

Restart timer: 6 hours

Battleye: Enabled

3rd Person:On



Other than that it is being run as the modded mod was intended.

More info available at http://ausdayz.com

Hope to see you on the server!

Edited by AusDayZ

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