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Giving up, to much stupidity.

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What we need is another Online AAA shooter game like COD 16 or BF 24 to be released the same week so all the online kids play that instead. It will bring a better customer to DayZ SA.

DayZ is going to be unnundated with silly missed the point of the game players who will inevitably ruin a lot of players days.

What I remember of the Mod was that when a big update came out, sometimes players had to be reset and the tears where loud and sweet. If the SA is going to be updated weekly / daily, there will be more instances where players have to start from scratch on a regular basis unless the player DB is top notch.

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Ironic calling others stupid when you can't even use to and too properly.

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Ive tried to kill people with rusty tin cans and empty whiskey bottles. Apparently you were dealing with an amateur.

You... You win.

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The reason:

The poor penalty that death supposes.

I don't have the solution, but something should be done with this, because the game is supposed to emulate a real situation, but it does not in situations like these.

If someone is trying to help you, and he is armed, if you attack him you are stupid or mad. Maybe you could kill him later, after the danger has gone but this is a nonsense.

Edited by Mitor

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waiting for the SA won't save you from the stupidity of people

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if someone just starts shooting at me thats fine with me, at least theyre honest, and i can counterattack, what i hate are the true retards that try to disconnect etc. if you shoot back and manage to hit them ( you see that all the time, when the body instantly despawns before you can even try to loot it)

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I remember doing something similar except I was the one with melee. I was heading to balota to check for mil spawns when someone came from the hangar with an mp5.. soo I ran at him with my hatchet while weaving like a zombie, he couldnt kill me and the noise attracted more Z's so he bolted up the tower and I chased him and then we ran around the outside of the glass dome thing like a cartoon chase. him stopping to try and aim and me closing the gap while he did, then him turning and running again. That was a fun 15 mins.

Edited by disorder

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