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Advanced Radios

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Hi everyone,

I have a simple idea for "radios" in the DayZ standalone.

Radios are a lootable item found in military areas such as crashed heli sites, barracks and firestations (rarely).

These radios are an equipment item.

You can select a "channel" on the radio between 001 and 999.

Any typed or voiced messages you send through the radio will be broadcasted to anyone who is on the same channel.

For example, you and a few friends might use channel 617 to communicate with eachother.

This adds the extra risk of other players / clans finding your used channel and listening to your comms.

Radios would be a more appropriate alternative to "side" channel.

*OPTIONAL: Car Radio is a lootable item that can be installed in your vehicle to have the same effect as a regular radio.

*OPTIONAL: Radios are only usable when within a certain distance of a radio / comms tower. The closer you are, the cleaner the radio signal.

*OPTIONAL: Radios require batteries.

Tell me what you guys think!


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Please just use the search function. This thread has been brought up far more than once.

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Radios were discussed at length but it was quite a while ago and people don't tag their posts properly which means they don't show up in searches. Nothing wrong with discussing them again though.

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An ACRE-like system needs to be implemented. I am now sort of hooked on ACE/ACRE and can't find a dayZ server with the two mods in it.

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I would love to have something like this, it would make lower the quantity of players who use third-party voice softwares.

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