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How do I control these hackers without spending 3 hours a day with it?

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A buddy, and I started a server a few weeks ago. It is mostly pretty good, and we have a little community, but there are so many hackers! Not even just the obvious hackers, but all the people who spawn gear, tent it, then "find" the gear on their real characters. Any advice for some guys who have a strictly vanilla Dayz server, and don't want to spend too much time? How much do passwords help? What about getting our server white listed?

Edited by ToddTaylor

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Whitelisting helps because some hackers don't want to waste their time being whitelisted, just to get banned later on.

Also check you logs now and again, see whats going on.

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Whitelisting players works very well, you can add them to your own database and then anyone that isn't whitelisted can't play on your server. It does mean however that you have to spend time whitelisting but after that the server pretty much runs itself.

There is no easy answer, the mod is vulnerable to hacking and always will be. Admining a server takes time and effort to do well and unfortunately there's no shortcuts.

Edited by Fraggle
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Hello there

Scripters, like germs, will spread wherever they have an easy time.

The more difficult it is to play on a server the less they will bother, so whitelisting and passwording your server are just two easy barriers to stop them.

Having a server is a vocation and not for the faint hearted.



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