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Downhill Development in DayZ

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Currently there are way too many zombies. I was with one guy on a low pop server, and there were 30 zombies immediately around us (yes I counted)... not counting others beyond that. Was the zombie count upped?

Zombie run speed is absurd still. Watch them run 3 to 4 times faster than a person can. They are decaying, rotting bodies... yet they run as fast as the bionic man. Used to be intense having the option to run into a building, have maybe 15-20 seconds to loot and then need to run out fast or be blocked in. Now... theres no chance. Its guaranteed. And not just one or two... but 5 or 10 blocking the door. Its stupid. Theres just a glut of aburdity that takes away from the immersion of the game.

This doesnt even count the instant hit (usually 2 or 3 hits tbh) no animation of zombies also...

Has the quality of loot in the barracks been reduced? Seems like it.

Vehicles are freakishly fragile. I mwan... you cant drive anywhere with out going from green to red over rediculous things. I've been in real car wrecks, even ones where cars we over 30mph, spun round, etc. And could still drive away. Not so in dayz...

Dunno, just seems more and more tedious, and less fun. I hope SA is better than this current development dirction.

Edited by Seddrik Frost
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Is that your suggestion?

What is wrong? I also think zombies are too much around you, they should spawn less in villages and some in the forest not like just in top of you <.<

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Is that your suggestion?

Based on his tone I extrapolated that he wants less zombies, slower moving zombies, less damage, more loot, more cars and more standalone. Essentially another thread trying to take away from what makes DayZ interesting and to reaplce it another product to be mindlessly consume and will miss the point entirely (again). SA is going to a be a harder game. If you don't like it now it probally won't get better for you.

I think its safe to say he also failed to realise the DayZ isn't a game, its a mod. Expect this stuff buddy, i can't wait for standalone but no need explode over it.

Edited by Trizzo
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Currently there are way too many zombies.

Seems perfectly fine to me.

Zombie run speed is absurd still

Agreed. I do feel like Chernarus isn't actually in Russia. It feels more like South Africa because all those zeds seem to all be Olympic Kenyans

This doesnt even count the instant hit (usually 2 or 3 hits tbh)

Are you sure you are not playing DayZ+? They hit like Mike Tyson in DayZ+ but in regular DayZ, I can get hit like 40 times before I die (if i dont bleed)

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They arent rotting bodies. They are alive.

Indeed, its supposed to be some kind o disease (mutated rabies?)

I think the Z's are fine, i like fast Z's...the Z's from world war Z look awesome from the trailer, they should make em like that... super hive mind Z's :thumbsup:

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I've been in real car wrecks.

Sure buddy, you keep telling yourself that.

Edited by GOD™

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Based on his tone I extrapolated that he wants less zombies, slower moving zombies, less damage, more loot, more cars and more standalone. Essentially another thread trying to take away from what makes DayZ interesting and to reaplce it another product to be mindlessly consume and will miss the point entirely (again). SA is going to a be a harder game. If you don't like it now it probally won't get better for you.

I think its safe to say he also failed to realise the DayZ isn't a game, its a mod. Expect this stuff buddy, i can't wait for standalone but no need explode over it.

Interesting... no doubt some people want the most difficult and impossible and frustrating thing they can try. Some people love that. Not everyone does. Some people actually enjoyed previous phases of Dayz that didnt have extreme zombie junk. If they could set it to be adjustable for different tastes that would be great. But since that does not currently exist... why alienate the core players? I'm not asking for super wimpy zombies that move 1/3 your run speed & can't hurt you in 40 hits. Just zombies that run the same speed as people & don't hit you instanlty (no animation). To say that this request/suggestion is mindless is.... a mindless statement.

I just spent an hour with one flat tire in a SMALL town. This town only had one industrial building... so i decided to farm it for a wheel. In an hour, I ran through 6 stanag mags on countless zombies. I had NO time at all to remove any trash from the spawn point, but was constantly running from zombies. Thats not fun. Thats just stupid. Its a total waste of time. But I guess ome people enjoy that...

I think its safe to say he also failed to realise the DayZ isn't a game, its a mod. Expect this stuff buddy, i can't wait for standalone but no need explode over it.

"Isn't a game... its a mod." Derp. When people use semantics to sound smart, they really don't. It is obviously a mod AND a game. If you are looking for something to disagree on, at least disagree on substance... not something so pointless as that.

And to the troll who doesn't believe whether I've been in a car wreck or not... if only my insurance company thought like you did. Derp. (If the best you can do is just make pointless comments... not even discuss the substance of this thread... then why bother posting?)

Again, not asking for a super easy game. Just a balance of being able to actually drive a car, farm a building, have 15 seconds to even loot a building before being swarmed by 30 zombies... etc.

Edited by Seddrik Frost
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That's how DayZ should be.

Hordes of zombies, which makes them a threat instead of an annoying distraction. Its a zombie apocalypse after all.

Also what kind of zombie apocalypse has Grade A military equipment lying around left and right?

But i do agree with the fact of how fragile vehicles can be, but thats ARMA 2s fault. ;)

Edited by GOD™

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That's how DayZ should be.

Hordes of zombies, which makes them a threat instead of an annoying distraction. Its a zombie apocalypse after all.

Also what kind of zombie apocalypse has Grade A military equipment lying around left and right?

But i do agree with the fact of how fragile vehicles can be, but thats ARMA 2s fault. ;)

I understand the IDEA of hordes of zombies. It had that feel before when zombies ran normal speed. You could run into a building knowing you had just a few seconds, 5 to 15, to grab something and get out or be trapped. Now??? No way. Not even 1 second. Soon as you run in there are ALWAYS 3+ zombies at the door before you even look at what gear is on the floor with 10 more coming behind them. Thats not a challenge. Thats just stupid.

Its becoming more laborious to "play" dayz. Its more & more like work than fun. Grindy & tedious to do even little things. But hey, if you think thats fun, no wonder you love Dayz so much. But be warned.... the same mind the produces tedious, superfast, instant hit zombies is the same mind that leaves cars fragile and takes away all the guns for "realism". And vehicles in Arma 2 arent as fragile as in DayZ. I can do 2-3 times as much in arma 2 with a vehicle. And Wastleand also for that matter... so theres something about the mod that makes cars a huge chore. Pebble! Lookout! Full green to red... & needs two tires! But hey thats "fun!" its a zombie apocalypse after all! not a game!

Edited by Seddrik Frost
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Sure buddy, you keep telling yourself that.

There about 5.25 million car wrecks a year in the US alone. I don't see why you need to be an asshole and tell him what has and what hasn't happened in his life.

Based on his tone I extrapolated that he wants less zombies, slower moving zombies, less damage, more loot, more cars and more standalone. Essentially another thread trying to take away from what makes DayZ interesting and to reaplce it another product to be mindlessly consume and will miss the point entirely (again). SA is going to a be a harder game. If you don't like it now it probally won't get better for you.

I think its safe to say he also failed to realise the DayZ isn't a game, its a mod. Expect this stuff buddy, i can't wait for standalone but no need explode over it.

If you payed attention and weren't so focused on being a troll, you would notice that he was saying that DayZ shouldn't be turned into WarZ. He's sharing the idea of having a mindset of "I have 15 seconds to clear this building before I get blocked in" rather than "Well, I guess I should just sit in the corner and light 'em up like a Dutch brothel".

I've been playing DayZ since release almost, and I've always felt that zombies needed a little something. It seems today, when I logged in, the zombie population has increased so much in size I've went from running 60fps in Berenzino, to 40fps. I'd rather a game where I have to carefully drop 4 or 5 stronger zombies, instead of sprinting into a house and holding the trigger on literally dozens of zombies.

I don't know what they did, but I was in a Cherno (keep in mind I'm a fresh spawn with no zed kills) pub this morning and I had two agro. I went up the stairs and dropped them both with two quick head shots. I crouch run through the whole upstairs, grab what I want and go back towards the stairs, where I was greeted with a hoard of zeds. I checked the "I" menu after I left the pub. I went in with 0 kills, and came out with 17. That is ridiculous. The way DayZ is set up right now stealth is impossible. Literally. Your only hope is get a gun with a hell of a lot of ammo, corner yourself, and spray.

Is that your suggestion?

Yes, it is. It's his suggestion to the dev team not to turn the SA into the catastrophic failure like joke of a game WarZ was.

Things have changed for the worse in DayZ. First off, this new patch with zombies dragging you out of cars? Ummwhut? You can break a human bone with nine pounds of sudden pressure, can someone please explain to me how a rotten variant of the human hand can shatter automobile glass and drag a human out?

Zombie Speed: No, just no. Since when can a ZOMBIE run as fast as an Olympian literally forever?

Instant Hits: Apparently the idea of zombies running a few feet after they're killed was horrible. I have to admit it was annoying, but I'm not glad they "fixed" it. Instead of running after death now, zombies hit before they do the emote. I've had it numerous times where zombies run up, the second they are in range I magically take damage, then the zombie stops and swing. Utter bullshit if you ask me.

Paper Mache Cars: I for one, have never been in an automobile accident. But I know people who have, and have seen them happen literally right in front of me. The fact that I can hit a knee high wooden fence and blow out a tire is ridiculous. Now that I think about it, I've hit a tree downhill bike racing going about 25 km/h. I snapped a break lever and cut my back. If an accident of the same level happened on DayZ, the car would explode, literally. Anther story is yesterday actually, I was driving to the NE airfield. I was in a white offroad going about 95-100 km/h. I went square over top of a hubcap that's off to the side of the rusted out truck prop. In any other game/situation I would've went clear over top, wouldn't even of hit it. Not in DayZ, everything somehow went red, the truck blew up, and I died.

If I think of anything else I'll be sure to post it. Thanks for reading.

Edited by Z_StaTik_z
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1)Currently there are way too many zombies. I was with one guy on a low pop server, and there were 30 zombies immediately around us (yes I counted)... not counting others beyond that. Was the zombie count upped?

2)Zombie run speed is absurd still. Watch them run 3 to 4 times faster than a person can. They are decaying, rotting bodies... yet they run as fast as the bionic man. 3)Used to be intense having the option to run into a building, have maybe 15-20 seconds to loot and then need to run out fast or be blocked in. Now... theres no chance. Its guaranteed. And not just one or two... but 5 or 10 blocking the door. Its stupid. Theres just a glut of aburdity that takes away from the immersion of the game.

4)This doesnt even count the instant hit (usually 2 or 3 hits tbh) no animation of zombies also...

5)Has the quality of loot in the barracks been reduced? Seems like it.

6)Vehicles are freakishly fragile. I mwan... you cant drive anywhere with out going from green to red over rediculous things. I've been in real car wrecks, even ones where cars we over 30mph, spun round, etc. And could still drive away. Not so in dayz...

7)Dunno, just seems more and more tedious, and less fun. I hope SA is better than this current development dirction.

Red quoted parts are my main replys I guess. While everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I'm entitled to my opinion on your opinion.

Your entitled to a opinion on my opinion on your opinion - although at the point I might start to loose interest.

1)I disagree completely, and I am more of a common gamer. Zombies are to damn easy to avoid.

2)Ever seen 28 days later? Maybe this is the goal of ROCKETS Mod, not yours. If they where set to slow, they would be insanely easy to loose in game... not like you can run into a building and out the other side and loose the zombie.. oh wait... you can.... not like you find a small pine tree and sit at the base... oh... damnit... wait... you can.

3)Whats really intense is getting in and looting without making zombies come your way - rather then being able to simply run through the entire town and loot it because zombies are slow. That sounds lame. What happens when I get a gun with some ammo? Because they are so damn slow - if I happened to get trapped in, which is rare because now I'm very good at looting under timed pressure - I'll just simply shoot the one or two zombies I alerted and RUN to the next building without care because they are.. well.. slow? No thanks. Game would be interesting for about 3 minutes - that is, until I find my first axe.

4)With the way current zombies are ... I could back pedal circles around them and change random direction and not get hit... Do I really have to upload a video proving this or could you just go watch Frankie run around in Cherno while hes talking to bambis?

5)Now we are really showing ourselves as the generation that requires instant gratification... I enjoy the hunt of the loot - I don't think its bad how it is at all.

6)Yes - ok we agree on something, even though its minor. Automobiles are rather easy to break. I don't have any issues if I use mine with care. I've also broken random parts before in the past doing minor, slow giving off road driving (IRL) - DayZ doesn't punish me for this.

7)Well thats the nature of the beast, and how a lot of games go. At first you are excited about small goals - then depressed when these are ripped from you... which is what your over all post consists off. DayZ is about the experience, the excitement of running into another player for me... it is not a very kind game for looters/camp builders/car hoarders...

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Again, not asking for a super easy game. Just a balance of being able to actually drive a car, farm a building...

Farming shouldn't be something you want as a feature in the game. If we're going for authenticity here, I doubt that a survivor in an actual apocalypse wouldn't enter the same building 8 times to check for a car tire. I hope that Rocket finds a way to cut down on item farming in the standalone.

Anyways, I disagree, with your main point. Zombies are very easy to avoid for an experienced player, and as many players have said, they're not much more than an annoyance. We need zombies that run indoors and can hit you if you're hiding in a tree. It's a zombie game, the zombies should be the main danger in it.

I've never been killed in 2-3 hits by a zombie. Knocked out by 2 or 3 hits, sure, buts that's a fairly rare situation and I don't see anything wrong with it.

And like GOD said, the vehicles are a problem, and hopefully are being fixed.

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Farming shouldn't be something you want as a feature in the game. If we're going for authenticity here, I doubt that a survivor in an actual apocalypse wouldn't enter the same building 8 times to check for a car tire. I hope that Rocket finds a way to cut down on item farming in the standalone.

Anyways, I disagree, with your main point. Zombies are very easy to avoid for an experienced player, and as many players have said, they're not much more than an annoyance. We need zombies that run indoors and can hit you if you're hiding in a tree. It's a zombie game, the zombies should be the main danger in it.

I've never been killed in 2-3 hits by a zombie. Knocked out by 2 or 3 hits, sure, buts that's a fairly rare situation and I don't see anything wrong with it.

And like GOD said, the vehicles are a problem, and hopefully are being fixed.

No loot respawns? have fun with that bubba. No cars. No guns. No ammo. No can goods. nada. By now everything would be taken and no respawns...

Zombies are easy to AVOID yes. Stay out of town. Hide in a building thats got a back entrance. But that does not make zombies easy... when you have that small building to get a cvar part in with 10 zombies swarming on at super run speed... you don't have time to even pick anything up.

Never said zombies kill in 2-3 hits. I said they instant hit (no animation) so fast even when they shouldnt be close enough to do so. Its not rare. Its all the time.

I'll upload some video in a few minutes to whow you what I mean about stupid zombie swarms.

Edited by Seddrik Frost

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No loot respawns? have fun with that bubba. No cars. No guns. No ammo. No can goods. nada. By now everything would be taken and no respawns...

Zombies are easy to AVOID yes. Stay out of town. Hid ein a building thats got a back entrance. But that does not make zombies easy... when you have that small building to get a cvar part in with 10 zombies swarming on at super run speed... you don;t have time to even pick anything up.

Never said zombies kill in 2-3 hits. I said they instant hit (no animation) so fast even when they shouldnt be close enough to do so. Its not rare. Its all the time.

I'll upload some video in a few minutes to whow you what I mean about stupid zombie swarms.

Me and a buddy can split up, make it in and outta cherno with whatever parts we need in less then 15/20 minutes. I don't understand what you are doing wrong.

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Farming shouldn't be something you want as a feature in the game. If we're going for authenticity here, I doubt that a survivor in an actual apocalypse wouldn't enter the same building 8 times to check for a car tire. I hope that Rocket finds a way to cut down on item farming in the standalone.

Anyways, I disagree, with your main point. Zombies are very easy to avoid for an experienced player, and as many players have said, they're not much more than an annoyance. We need zombies that run indoors and can hit you if you're hiding in a tree. It's a zombie game, the zombies should be the main danger in it.

I've never been killed in 2-3 hits by a zombie. Knocked out by 2 or 3 hits, sure, buts that's a fairly rare situation and I don't see anything wrong with it.

And like GOD said, the vehicles are a problem, and hopefully are being fixed.

Okay, let's take loot respawns out of the game. Problem solved, no more farming... RIiight, now all you will EVER find will be empty cans. The game will be useless. The game will never be completely authentic, it's a video game, not real life. I've been playing DayZ since release pretty much. Zombies haven't even been an annoyance to me, they were just...there. But today I logged in to what seemed to be triple the amount of zombies, which was stupid. After playing today, it seems are are more zeds than there are houses...literally.

If you do go for the whole zeds can run in houses and hit you in trees it will be stupid. I can see how the whole walking in houses, and not hitting in trees is in a way slightly overpowered, but without it, it would be horrid. It would be possible to find a nice medium, but if they don't it will be horrid. The only way to loose zeds will be to sprint through a field and turn around to spray that one that's insta-hitting you. Rinse and repeat.

As for Seddrik's 2-3 hit comment, it wasn't he's getting killed in 2-3 hits, it's zombies are running up and hitting him 2-3 times before they even do the emote.

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Okay, let's take loot respawns out of the game. Problem solved, no more farming... RIiight, now all you will EVER find will be empty cans. The game will be useless. The game will never be completely authentic, it's a video game, not real life. I've been playing DayZ since release pretty much. Zombies haven't even been an annoyance to me, they were just...there. But today I logged in to what seemed to be triple the amount of zombies, which was stupid. After playing today, it seems are are more zeds than there are houses...literally.

If you do go for the whole zeds can run in houses and hit you in trees it will be stupid. I can see how the whole walking in houses, and not hitting in trees is in a way slightly overpowered, but without it, it would be horrid. It would be possible to find a nice medium, but if they don't it will be horrid. The only way to loose zeds will be to sprint through a field and turn around to spray that one that's insta-hitting you. Rinse and repeat.

As for Seddrik's 2-3 hit comment, it wasn't he's getting killed in 2-3 hits, it's zombies are running up and hitting him 2-3 times before they even do the emote.

Maybe I'm just a tard - because I've seen no increase in zombies ... in the past day or so....?

I mean someone correct me if I'm wrong... if they some how forced a new update or server side changes to increase spawns... far as I'm concerned... not... seeing it?

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Maybe I'm just a tard - because I've seen no increase in zombies ... in the past day or so....?

I mean someone correct me if I'm wrong... if they some how forced a new update or server side changes to increase spawns... far as I'm concerned... not... seeing it?

I honestly don't know, I'm not an admin for our server or anything. But today I logged in, and when I was in a town, my FPS would go 10-15fps lower than usual because of all the zeds. That's why I am complaining about them.

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I honestly don't know, I'm not an admin for our server or anything. But today I logged in, and when I was in a town, my FPS would go 10-15fps lower than usual because of all the zeds. That's why I am complaining about them.

From a performance side I could see your argument, and would almost agree with that...

But in the same sense - I'm not seeing a drastic change. Did you try another server?

And lastly...

And what really put me off to this post in general... is the fact that the original poster has a tutorial on how to evade zombies at which he is very sucessful....

And you want slower... zombies?

Edited by FinKone

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No loot respawns? have fun with that bubba. No cars. No guns. No ammo. No can goods. nada. By now everything would be taken and no respawns...

Zombies are easy to AVOID yes. Stay out of town. Hid ein a building thats got a back entrance. But that does not make zombies easy... when you have that small building to get a cvar part in with 10 zombies swarming on at super run speed... you don;t have time to even pick anything up.

I think you misunderstood what I said about loot. I never said that loot shouldn't respawn, I don't know where you read that. I simply said that loot farming is not a good thing. And with most buildings being enter-able in the standalone, we'll be able to have more loot spawns, which means we can decrease the spawn rate, and loot farming, by a good amount.

About the zombies, many other people in this thread, including myself, don't really have a problem with these situations. You shouldn't just worry about losing them when they chase you, but avoiding these kinds of situations in the first place. Getting cornered in a building by a horde of zombies SHOULD be a death sentence, especially if you went back into that building for more loot. These kind of situations are inevitable. It's important to work on making sure that there aren't 20 zombies behind you when you go into a building with one exit, or think before you fire a gun in cherno.

And about the instant hits, I apologize, I misunderstood what you meant.

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From a performance side I could see your argument, and would almost agree with that...

But in the same sense - I'm not seeing a drastic change. Did you try another server?

No actually. I'm kinda done with our home server for the night, going to try some others, see if there's a difference.

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I don't know about the rest of you - but I don't want to slow pansy zombies. I want these.


Edited by FinKone

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Me and a buddy can split up, make it in and outta cherno with whatever parts we need in less then 15/20 minutes. I don't understand what you are doing wrong.

Cherno yeah... theres 100 industrial spawns, 100 residential. thats not the rest of the map.

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Cherno yeah... theres 100 industrial spawns, 100 residential. thats not the rest of the map.

You had no problem giving people a tutorial on how to use ladders through walls, hide in bushes to get away from zombies, and any of that other crap - not to mention being able to avoid zombies rather easy from your video - guess it just ain't easy enough. I don't even know why I came into this. :X

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